VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Diver is Not Only Great Company

Ry arrived on Thursday afternoon, and I had already purchased a new shovel. My outer garden has become a jungle and I cannot manage to do anything about it.  But a strong strapping man who is family is someone I hoped would help me out. He did.  The poor guy was enticed into my web with my whining about needing to get the red palm tree out of the ceramic pot and directly into the soil. Once that was accomplished, by Ryan, not me; I was able to whine about many other plants in the same situation. Before you knew it, the entire garden was reconfigured and I am a happy resident.  He definitely earned his keep while here.  Maybe to the point he will never come back.  With scars from the nasty thorns on many of the plants etching his fingers, he then went off to some emergency recertification he needed, down in Johor Port. That itself was a test on our ability to locate something not on a map or in the heads of anyone we asked. But we did it and with the time I allotted, we arrived one minute before the start of the class. Not so shabby.

I have not been the best host. By the end of the day I am almost blind with weariness, so I have consistently left him to entertain himself while I hit the hay. I think I should be able to do better tonight. Yesterday morning we had to be up and gone before daybreak due to the travel time and searching for location for his day long program.  Of course he was more engaged than I was - he actually was in the water doing dangerous stuff, while I headed back to JB town and had a 2 hour massage and picked up a few eats.  But a two hour massage is tiring, and I had to drive several kms again after it. So, understandable why I was weary last night. Right?

I better figure out how to prepare a nice dinner. This is the last night he will be here, so I need to be creative.  Last night fare was compliments of Mr. Nando.  Good, but not mama food.  Maybe a big fat watermelon for the afternoon munch will be the starter.  Then we will go from there as I forage through the fridge and what I can find in the metropolis of Kota Tinggi.

Pictures soon of the perfect son visiting with his ma.

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