VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A second night of fireworks! and MY OWN FIREWORKS WITH H.P.

I forgot, they don't quit with the noise for quite a while. I need to get a night of sleep very soon, or will become rather agitated.  It is 8 am here and they are furiously blasting off fireworks as I type.  Do they not realize that there is no visual application for this?  Just a lot of banging and crashing.  I can honestly say that I hope for rain - that might put a damper on the activities.

I dutifully shopped around and found an H.P. cord to connect this repaired computer.  Took it home, plugged it into the bloody thing.  Turned it on.  Yes, the computer now does turn on. Nice.  Does it still overheat? Yes.  Is there any sound emitted from the machine? No.

I have browsed several forums regarding H P sound issues and found enough to read that should qualify me for a PhD in forum reading.  When you see that many complaints it makes one realize that throwing the machine out the second floor window might be the resolution that gives me some peace. I tried every way to resolve it. H P has a lovely find and repair program. Trouble is, it finds, but does not repair anything. This particular issue advises me to go back and turn off the MUTE button. For God sake, of course the MUTE button is not on. I am not a moron!  No sound.  Great way to watch a movie huh? One without subtitles.  I guess I can learn now to read lips and add that to my resume.

I bet they were counting on my not finding a cord and running out my warranty before I could find a replacement cord that was needed because the bloody computer fried the original one. Bloody losers! They could compete with my own corporation where I work for the award for the most devious company - not sure who would win that one. Remember - my company was the ray of sunshine that had me purchase this rock and chisel in the first place. You can be sure, with the lack of sleep I have had for the past two nights, I am not going to be a ray of sunshine when I go back to that service centre. Oh, Miss Siti will not be happy to see my face when they open for business again after Chinese New Year.

And, the award goes to ...

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