VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'd Love to Share With You the Sounds I Hear Daily, but...

Looking at options to add a video clip here are not worth the time. Just trust me, I am getting weary listening to the daily assault to my ear drums from the every two hour blast of firecrackers.

I actually applaud when I hear a monsoon attacking us. It makes me think that the firecrackers will not light and I will be spared that blast for the next segment.  Somehow, they get them lit. They must be using the butane from their cooking canisters to keep the fire going.

I live in a predominantly Muslim community. Does this noise tell me that everyone is Chinese when they have the opportunity to light firecrackers?  Not sure.

What I do know, is that I am suffering from sleep deprivation.  I have had friends call me and laugh while they hear the background noise that I hear regularly.  Do these people really believe that they will actually scare away evil spirits with this clamour? Or do they just enjoy the noise?  Whatever the case, I need quiet.

I wont be sharing the file I saved on my phone. Too much bother to upload it here for something you can easily imagine. Just think of a world war front line scene.  Machine guns and whatever else they used to attack is the sound I hear this month.  Glad it is just firecrackers, I guess.

this could be me

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