VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Take a Test Without a Door

Because I am spending a great deal of time online researching information for my next degree, regarding learning and cognition, I came across a topic regarding researchers who figured out what doors do.  Jumping straight to the resolution, I have posted here, my solution to that problem before you even know the hypothesis. I could not help myself The answer was so obvious.


What follows, is some information I found when I was checking on various concepts regarding learning and cognition and how we process information.  After reading this I realized that the scenario fits nicely into my own research, because it speaks to the issue of how people learn, and how they process that information.  I decided that I would just cut straight to the resolution, as I figured it out quickly once I understood the problem.  Read on.

Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was?
Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.
Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an "event boundary" in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next.  Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale.
Thank goodness for studies like this. It's not our age, it's that stupid door! 

Just imagine the application of this new knowledge when it is time for test, exams, and asssessment of students.  Make sure there are no doors in the learning arena, and I think the students are home free as far as recall of past knowledge is required.  If the door is the problem, remove it. Live in a structure that has no doors and the problem is solved, right?  

ps  It is still raining here constantly. And the firecrackers blast every couple of hours.  I think I will soon need some ativan in order survive this. My family needn't worry about my getting any of that substance - our fine company does not provide any mental health assistance for us.

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