VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Given lemons? make lemonade

Today I talked with my family back home.  They dined on Keg burgers - big, fat, prime rib burgers! Well. You can be sure that will not be on my plate, so I did the next best thing.  Off to Kip Mart I trotted and picked up one of my famous chicken breasts.  I also got some fresh lemongrass from my garden, some kaffir lime leaves from the market, and of course, some fresh limes.  Home I went after trying to get some cashola from the bank - but that story will follow.  Then, although I always felt ratatouille was a winter fare, I bought shrooms, eggplant, tomatoes,and peppers.  Not your brown variety of shrooms.  Oyster and enochi are what are available. Now with that bubbling on my induction cooker, my chicken breast is sitting in the spices and aromatic infusion that will make me think I am consuming Tom Yam from a grill. No, it is not prime rib, but when given lemons, make lemonade, right? Oops. Almost forgot. Top it all off with some mango, cilantro, fresh lime salsa.

The bank?  Have you ever gone to the ATM when the bank is closed and found a sign - no money?  I did, at every bank in town.  Guess this confirms that I better have cash at all times.

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