VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Know Your Audience and Other Fine Things

I survived. This weekend conference was enough to kill a horse. Such tension. Such stress, Such disorganization. My parting message.  Know your audience, and then know how to engage them, by actually getting their attention in the first place.  Probably fell on deaf ears; after all, I am the bright lady who is a bit difficult, right?

After all that, it was a treat to stop in at Cold Storage. In our minds it compares with any of the specialty shops you know - like Capers, Meinhardt's, Choices. Urban Fare - you get the picture. The ultimate shopping experience in the 'hood.  it is not anything at all like those I mentioned, but believe me, when I can pick up black beans and tapinade, I do feel like I have found nirvana.  A loaf of some fairly western style multigrain bread and the tapinade became the h'ors d'ouvres for a dinner pick up from Nado's for myself and a colleague who spent the night before she headed back further up north. It is fun watching her eyes bug out with the big city offerings; much like I did myself when I first realized I did not have to nosh on the local small town fare where I live.  She filled her cart at two different shops with what she cannot get at home, and beamed all the way to my place. We settled in and talked our faces off in order to debrief ourselves from the weekend event. It was a good idea. It is now gone and hopefully out of my mind. If not, I will be OUT OF MY MIND.

I am actually trying to eat the foods in my pantry and trying hard to not bring in much more. If the contract ends this year I certainly do not want to be trying to figure out what to do with anything more than basic items. And western foods will probably not be high on the wish list of my neighbours that I would give them to.

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