VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, February 15, 2013

Roti Kok Fingers ........are you laughing yet?

I came back here armed with a small satchel of biscotti. Four, in fact.  So, no one else got their fingers on these. Selfishly, I did not even share them with Ryan. I think I would have, had he stayed longer, but too bad, so sad, he didn't get any.  I finished the last one recently and really wanted another.  Today, in Kota Tinggi I browsed the bakery (a stretch to call it this) section of the local food shop.  I found some sticks that looked much like a breadstick style version of perhaps a biscotti.  They were sprinked with something that looked like coarse sugar, so I attempted to read the ingredients. Gula,  what is sugar, was a prime ingredient, so I was sure I had found the coveted Asian version of a biscotti. The name amused me. Roti Kok Fingers.  I know what roti is - bread.  I know what a finger is, as do you.  But the kok part had me stumped. I know that kek is cake, so thought, like many things here, a mispelling in the packaging, and they were really bread-cake fingers, or like home  -  biscotti.

I came back to my hovel and made some roiboos tea to have with the new treat while I worked on another paper for school.  I dipped the treasure into my roiboos tea and took a bite. Yuck, phooey, and arghhhh.  It was awful. It was a sugary breadlike stick of something that went limp in the tea.  So, back to giggling over the name, that clearly was not a misspelling of kek.  

Roti Kok Fingers. I think there was a misspelling after all. I figured out that kok is coke. And you can be sure there was no coke in this breadlike stuff. So, whatever they meant to write on the package did not get written properly. And I came home with something that is now in the trash. I had an Asian pear instead. Far better for me.

Maybe I will invite my new friend over for popcorn and roiboos. She is from Zimbabwe, so I am sure she is familiar with roiboos tea, and we have already discussed the merits of popcorn. She just might come, if I invite her.

But now back to writing papers.

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