VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tom Yum is a State of Mind. so are Brownies

The rain keeps raining and my books keep calling.  The result is that I find what is in the fridge or Kip Mart for sustenance and make do.  Today's menu is another version of Tom Yum a la Campbell's.  It appears that mushroom soup is used worldwide in order to create carnivore meals.  I can always count on Campbell soup being available, so that is an ingredient for today.  With chicken bits, red bell peppers, okra, kaffir limes, and garlic, my magic pot took form when the lemongrass joined the brew. Now bubbling away with brown basmati rice nicely burning onto the base of the pot, this concoction shall be the evening repas.  Yes, I could have used long beans, but I love okra and it is always available here.

I likely will not get the brownies made today.  That would mean creating two events in the kitchen!  Tomorrow is another day.  The brownies?  They are made with a dash of flour  - which I will substitute with arrowroot, and a few cups of black beans! I can hardly wait to build that treat.  I am thinking that an indulgent chocolate treat turned into a healthy snack might just be worth my effort to find black beans here.

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