VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 28, 2013

And Yet Again, The Blind Lead the Blind

I spoke with my brilliant daughter today because she is a guru of spreadsheets and data collection.  She helped me to understand the sad little data collection sites we have here and how fragile the spreadsheets are because of how our techies here have developed them.  After a few laughs I packed up and went to work.  But before I did, I received an e-mail from someone in our organization who was 'annointed' to assist many of us who cannot figure out what the heck they want us to so.  Here is the message he sent to all of us. And please keep in mind, this person was hired as a mentor to ESL people, so take a look at the grammar.

My responses to TIP help is a it slow at the moment because my own TIP account has serious problems which the office still haven't been able to fix for me. So until then it is a case of the blind leading the blind.

I replied to "all" because I felt others needed a laugh too.  My response only addressed the word it and suggested it really meant bit.  I did not have the heart to address subject verb agreements.

His response to that was:

My B key is also having problems

I had to reply to that one. Asked if he had one of the famous HP laptops.  

And now I hit the keyboard, completing the data entry for all the assessments I have done, and fling them off to BP office to gather dust.  I am sending them electronically - that way, the dust should not be able to gather quite as readily as the paper copies we have sent for the past two years. This will likely be met with a curled lip and hit print before you can blink.  

Oh yes, my work today?  Kiboshed again.  I was all ready with my video camera and recorder to work with a mentee to make a video for our Canuck pen pals. She was absent. She neglected to tell me. Home now doing the data entry instead.

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