VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, March 1, 2013

Expectations VS Luxuries

Much like you gather various types and sizes of nail clippers over there, we tend to gather the same in electric cords.  Not for the same reason. We know where the cords are, we are just not confident they are working.  I have spent more than my share of ringgits on these little gems.  One has to amass several of these because in a house of about 2800 sq ft, we have about 7 power outlets. Only one in the entire kitchen.  I had another installed there because the one is used by the fridge. Think of all the things I have to plug in for daily living.

Last night was a time that I thought I would explode with frustration.  I had a contract from Royal Roads that needed my signature.  I printed the document on my (replacement printer from last year) after ruining several reams of paper trying to do the task.  Yay.   Now to scan the document after I inserted my signature of agreement.  Plugged in the nearly dead printer/scanner/copier that I orginally purchased, and no life.  Nothing would light up.  I checked all wires, connections, tried a different plug on the cord I have here beside the computer desk. Nothing.  I did as my colleague does with our equipment - I shook the printer, tipped it upside down, rattled it some more. No life.  I accepted defeat and wrote to the university. I explained that I would try to find a place to fax the agreement in the morning. As it is Saturday here, not a lot of options in that regard, but maybe, just maybe, the post office might have a fax machine.  Agreement was made, so prepared to leave for the post office. But, one more try.  I tried the outlet once again. Still no power.  I took the offensive machine to another desk in my living room and plugged it into another power bar there.  It came to life. Well, sort of came to life.  Lights indicating no ink, paper jam, and all else were flashing in my peepers.  I hit several buttons and it calmed down. It then realized I did not want it to try to print.  I plugged it into my computer and VOILA.  I opened 'image' on my computer, and there was the HP.  Wowzers. I scanned the document and then trusted that the internet would not let me down.  Silly me. Of course the internet is weary. It is Saturday morning.  An hour passed and I tried to send once more. Internet worked, the document sent, and now I await to see if the office actually received it.  Should be an interesting document on file there. I noticed some dust bunnies imprinted on the page.  They will likely wonder what that extra bit is. But my signature is there.

I returned to the power bar where the scanner would not work. The light indicating power was still burning, so I plugged in my cell phone to charge. It is charging.  Did the power bar have a falling out with my scanner?  Did it want to relocate?  Who cares, the job got done and I did not have to have an emotional breakdown at the post office explaining that I would pay any amount to send a fax to somewhere they have never heard of.

I cannot say 'that's what kind of day it has been' it is only 9:30 am.

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