VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 14, 2013

More Miscommunication

I have been trying to access the university library. They magically revamped the page and now I cannot get into it at all.  I was advised that the past exams are there for my viewing so I can have an idea of what to expect in that regard.  Sure I can. First I tried to get into the library and kept being told I had the wrong user name and password. I finally contacted someone at the university and they had the library repair that. I finally got in and then found an error message that said I must contact the administrator to have this resolved. I tried again later and finally managed to get to the elusive papers and when I clicked download the pdf's I was advised I did not have permission to do this action.

I have two mentees that are doing a B. Ed with this university. They go to tutorials in JB once a month. I talked with one of them today.  She told me that administrators from the university are there at that time as well as the professors. She gave me the name of the building and address where they go. Guess who is going there this month?

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