VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Making Progress

I have written the analysis portions, now ready to insert the data I collect for the MCQ I administer next week to my students. Once that is done I can complete the analysis and opinions of that for my own assignment at school. I have partially written my literature review for problem solving, cleaned my main floor to antiseptic level, and compared Rabindranath Tagore to Aristotle in regard to their view of education and style of curriculum.  While preparing to write that comparison, I was perusing the reading material I have and was delighted to see a youtube suggested as something to watch. One philosopher option was with John Locke. I opted for Aristotle instead because I kept getting flashes of this video and could not keep a straight face or clear mind.  What a treat to find this; offered from the Asian University I attend.  So, when you click to view, keep in mind that I am only offering something that was offered to me as a study guide.  The use of language is not my own. Well, not here anyway.  I also found one titled Allegory of the Cave.  Now maybe I will just cut that one and paste it on my paper if I discover that I must discuss the meaning that Plato intended.

3 minute video of John Locke

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