VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I am Losing Sight of That Elusive Silver Lining

I can see that I need to see things differently.  For every adversity, I need to see the bigger picture.  Why am I have having difficulty doing this? Is it the stapler that looks like a Christmas cracker prize? Is it the stapler that you do purchase with staples that are the wrong size (in the same package)?  Is it the fact that one has to beg for assignments being posted to a learning site?  Is it the fact that one has to own two printers to maybe  do the job of one?  Is it the fact that one has to purchase two laptops in two years because the first one spends more time in the warranty shop than on my lap?  Is it the fact that one cannot claim an expense when filing taxes for having to purchase two laptops because the first one never worked? Is it the fact that everything I have done for the past two years seems to be lost in space instead of the learner's heads? Is it the fact that I have to be creative in food purchasing and alter all this to figure out a way to feed myself somewhat heathy foods on one little element? Is it the fact that once I do that preparation I have the biggest mess in my kitchen that has a bridge table for cupboard, cutlery drawer, and countertop combined? Is it the fact that the mess gets cleaned up in a bar sink that only dispenses room temperature water that is not potable? Is it the fact that one can work up a sweat that rivals a work out at the gym, just washing the floor?

Where is the silver, other than new colours that adorn the top of my head?  Maybe it is in the nice truck driver who lets me into a lane during a monsoon, so I can come home. Maybe it is in the mentee that says thank you for all the things you have taught me. Maybe it is in the birds chortling as the sky becomes brilliant red as a new day begins.  Maybe it is in the visits I get to have with my family and friends on Skype.  Maybe it is in the experience that I set out to have and am having it.  Maybe it is in finding a popcorn popper where no popcorn poppers tread before. Maybe it is in the pride of a floor that gleams in the sunlight once it has been cleaned; knowing that I made that happen.

I hope that when I return home I will appreciate the stapler that works, the plumbing that is friendly, the food vendors that sell food safe to eat, and the communication that actually results in both sides knowing what was said.

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