VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's Only March!

It is so hot, and we have not even begun summer yet. I have had the a/c on for the past two nights and actually left it on all night. If I have ever turned it on in the past, I would have it off within a few hours because it was too cold. When I emerged from my room this morning I felt like I had walked into a steam room. I cannot imagine what June will be like. I don't want to even think about it. I am comparing the years I have been here and this one wins the trophy for the rainiest and the hottest so far.

I also got clever and took my linen things to a dobi today. Washing and ironing 10 linen items for a cost of RM10.50. About three bucks. I think I will do this on a regular basis because I don't have time to do it myself, and have enough laundry to do without that. When I first arrived here the only dobi in town had shut down. I was forced to buy a washing machine. Now everyone sees money to be made and they are popping up all over the place. There is one just a short distance from where I live. I went over with my bundle and walked away quickly. They had sacks, mounds, and boxes of clothing and whatnot, stinking up the place.  Besides all that, I was pretty sure that what I left there would never be seen again.  Recalling one over in Kota Jaya, I made the trip over there. They are the people who told me that what I saw was not a swimming pool, it was a fish tank. I figured if they could get that message to me then we could likely do business together with laundry.  I trust that they know what they are doing. I left my work clothes and will return tomorrow to pick them up, ironed and on hangers. I paid today. No chit.  No ticket. Just a wave. But then, who else would wear what I wear? Plus this dobi is run by Chinese people. They could cut one of my dresses and make three or four out of it for themselves and probably still have leftovers. Yes one hour martinizing has arrived in Kota Tinggi!  They had offered to have it all ready in a few hours. I didn't want to hang around so they were delighted to discover I would wait until tomorrow.  That is better service than Vancouver. I waited a week for my sweaters there.

More progress on my assignments today. More reading accomplished. Now to treat myself with reading for pleasure before the lights go out.

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