VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Do You Know A Jar Jar?

I thought I would title this post who is jar jar,  but then decided to let you all think about any jar jars you know in your own life. Now, maybe I am tired. But this is something I find amusing. I have kids who know who every critter in Star Wars are, but I plead ignorance for myself. I know Yoda (he's from Star Wars isn't he).  I like Yoda.  But Jar Jar? I have never heard of Jar Jar.

Well, I have a friend that I am allowed to do my ranting with. It is a good therapy session for me because some things have to be spoken in order to diffuse them.  This friend lets me speak.  This friend also has some solutions for me. This particular issue has a solution. Refer to the offending party as Jar Jar and then their dysfuctions are acceptable. Understood, and maybe even pitied.  When I got to that stage, then I no longer held the frustration because the person is a sad version of humanity. And it put a smile on my face as well.

Here is what I learned online about Jar Jar:

The most hated Star Wars character ever. Far more annoying than the Ewoks because he is basically useless, and he speaks in Ebonics. The horrible end-result of George Lucas's bad acid trip. Inspired a few people to come up with a list of very creative ways of killing him.

Portrait of Jar Jar - I wonder if Jar Jar knows who this is?
Funny, it states hated more than the Ewoks. I like the Ewoks

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