VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, March 11, 2013

Rules, Tools & Fools

Every country prides itself in writing rules and providing tools to follow these rules with regard to traffic movement in that country.  I find myself in a country that does just that but maybe is a bit shy on the tools end of the bargain. This is demonstrated in so many ways. This blog post is dedicated the fools in the subject line. The most common tool in disrepair is the set of traffic lights that never work. These lights go unrepaired for days or weeks and sometimes months at a time.  The most frustrating issue is arriving at a set of lights and there is " no light ". What we end up with is a bunch of fools that act like naughty children whose parents did not explicitly say what they were to do. Now a defensive driver would slow down and stop at that intersection because one never knows if the opposing traffic has a green light. Not here. This is the signal to drive fast to be sure you stay in the lead, and who cares about opposing traffic. I am pretty sure there is no form of driver education here. If there is, then no one really passed. But I cannot be too harsh. I was a passenger with a colleague driving to JB a few weeks ago. She was wandering across the lanes and getting far too close to the car in front on many occasions. I finally pointed that out while we're racing down the highway at about 100 kph. She was quick to respond. " I have left a car length between myself and that car".  Oops. That is not the right answer. One car length at that speed is not the safe distance dear. Try again.

So there is today's rant. Guess it was not such a bad day after all.

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