VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Nothing Accomplished - Clouds Got in My Way

I fully intended to settle down and get some work done. I did not even wash the floor. I haven't done anything except sit on the sofa and play with my iPad. Why?  I am not sure. I think it is because I have not had a day to do nothing for more than three weeks. I hope that is the reason.  Otherwise, I am in trouble. I need to get moving.

Maybe it is because I feel like I failed with an activity I thought 'rocked'.  All that activity did was show me that the people under my wing either do not know anything I taught them or they cannot understand English. Either one is not good news.

So, feeling like a failure, I sat. Good therapy huh?  But what I did find in my sporadic internet was a whole lot of music to soothe my sorry self.

Here is some of the stuff I listened to and felt like I will survive this chapter.  If you have free time, settle in and listen to the tunes.  If not, you can see how I managed to do nothing at all this day, but did enjoy myself.

Joni Mitchell hails from the same part of the world as myself. I met her when I was a young girl, and we had a lot of chats during the time that she began her musical career. I certainly did not know she was so talented. But I followed her career and bought her music. What I love about this particular piece she has performed is that it was made famous in her youth.  I loved it then, and I love it even more now. She has altered the tempo, I think, according to her wisdom collected through these years, and for that reason, I can completely identify with the change.
Joni Mitchell sings

Then I wandered around the Beatles music. I grew up with this and still love it.  It was funny to think back to our parents wondering who these Brit guys in mod suits belting out tunes that we teenagers loved.  Well, I am not a teenager now, but I still love their tunes.

I came across George Harrison and his 'My Sweet Lord'.  Now, how can any parent get antsy over such a song? I am sure they did. They probably thought he was mocking or something. In any case, I loved it then and love it even more now.
George Harrison's My Sweet Lord Hare Krishna

Next on the menu was one by the Beatles, called in My Life.  Well, with the years on my battery, I have been to many places myself. Not as many as my son has been, and I am not sure I will ever catch up to him. But, places and memories of friends are what I have, and they were awakened when I listened to this one.
The Beatles In My Life

While the Beatles were on their spiritual journey, they recorded this one. A long and winding road is what I have been on myself. Never sure where it is going to lead, I trust that it is taking me to the next chapter and waiting for me to figure out what that chapter is.  At least I feign trust and don't just sit back and stop. Trust is the issue here. Trust that the road will get you to the place that is right.  Today I am not so sure.
Beatles Again The Long and Winding Road

And, my favourite Beatles tune. Imagine.  Oops not a Beatles tune. John Lennon.  He shows us how one can make an impact on an entire world through his voice.  He did just that.  If you check, you can see videos all over the world of this song.  Now let's hope it impacts to the point of causing an outcome the same as the words in this song. Sometime.
John Lennon IMAGINE

Another that has stood the test of time is Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World. If you don't love it too, then I cannot understand you.  Doesn't matter. Here it is.
Louis Armstrong What a Wonderful World

Lastly, here is one with words so my kids can practice before August. They will need to listen to me singing it, and because I have such a terrible voice, they might as well know what the heck I am singing as I  try to croon out the tune.  Keep in mind kids, this is a song from a man to his wife. Times change. This version is a mom to her kids. Will you still feed me when I am 64? - I know you don't need me - you've done a splendid job being who you are, as you are!
Beatles - When I am 64

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