VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Week of Toil

What was supposed to be a week of vacation never came close to that description in my household. But I did get a number of things accomplished. Serious study notes for my classes, laundry up to date, most of the house cleaned, writing papers, and some research stuff whenever the Internet let me in. Also made an attempt to communicate with the university library. We concluded that there was something wrong with the site and that she would continue to send the materials to me until it is repaired.

What is the biggest event here?  It is hotter than Hades.  Not a good sign. We are nowhere near summer. Also baby gecko season is upon me in my home. I had to guide a little fella out yesterday. I amused myself watching him look outside through a screen when I took a break. Then I realized how mean I was, so opened the screen and kind of nudged him to take a few steps. Since I have recently read the Allegory of the Cave I wonder if my house was his cave, and he really did not trust the great outdoors?  Come to think of it, I have not seen him since he left. Maybe not really ready for that chapter of his life.  

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