VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Who's Sorry Now?

Clearly, I need to find some other interests to entertain myself.  I could not access my university website this weekend. It was almost like a midnight move. I began to fear that my money had gone to some fly-by-night group and they had shut down operations here.  Not really, but it did plant a seed in the back of my mind.  Mountains out of mole hills seem to be my specialty.  I had frantically uploaded all my assignments on Friday, although they were not due until today (Sunday).  Why?  Fearing that this sort of thing would happen. And, I am almost proud to say that it did.  Always nice to say "I told you so", right?  Sadly, even at the expense of my own sanity, I seem to enjoy that position, even when I am the only one in the audience.

Oops, there I go again.  Going off course of the topic.  So, the university is again up and running this morning, and I could have had a fun day yesterday doing what I wanted instead of constantly checking to see if I could access any of the sites on the program so I could read.  Will I ever learn? Probably not. These patterns are deeply ingrained in this old bird.  I did manage to make a great video of some students I spent the morning with on Friday though. These gaffers are so much fun to work with. Their ability to use a third language so fluidly astounds me.  So all was not lost in the day.

Now back to the drivel I thought you would enjoy.  This brings me to some rather useless information of the origin of the song 'Who's Sorry Now'.  That song apparently was first recorded in 1923.  Yes, that was even before my time everyone. It did become famous in the crooner years of the 50's by the famous Connie Francis.  So, here is a little cartoon I found which I thought you would enjoy about men and women. Far from the original topic of who's sorry now, but kind of shows us all how the two interact huh?

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