VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Intercultural Communication

I have always prided myself in being a very clear communicator.  My colleagues have echoed this, maybe not in such a positive manner on many occasions. Their way of reframing this is more like - you always know where she stand on an issue, she speaks her mind, and holds no punches.

Well, I took a side step in that one today. All ready, poised, and prepared to upload my assignments to the university site I discovered a lack of information required to do the upload. The philosophy paper has a format requested by the facilitator that requires a number of entries in order to identify whose paper is uploaded. I understand this. It makes it clear and easy to track and record. However, as I have mentioned in the past, I have written several comments and thoughts on the program discussion board. None have been acknowledged, none have been commented on further.  Today, I realize when I try to find the name of the professor for that program, his/her name is nowhere in sight. I got the assignment outline, very clearly stated as to what I must do. But no signature. No name. No nada.  Normally I would have noticed this omission and been on it like a dirty shirt, contacting whoever to find out who is the facilitator. But I honestly did not notice that there was no name attached. Who would have thought that a course would be well into 3 months of study with no sign of the facilitator? Who would have thought that no presence - even a photo and name - would not be there?  As they say in seriously slang English, which I detest, but will use today. My bad.

I have written to the contact listed as who takes questions regarding uploading assignments.  But now I wonder just how long I wait for a reply. I have waited at least a week for any other replies. And that is after a few resubmits of the query.  Assignment due now.

I have a stomachache.

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