VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Believe Me, It is More Difficult Than You Think

I went into this learning program thinking I would change the world. What is wrong with me?  Why  am I so naive, at my age?  I just spent the past week begging someone at the university to give me my next assignments. Why? I will have a week off and know that is the time I will need to focus on that.  But, it does not matter who I ask, I get the same reply. We will contact the professors.  And on it goes.  I also got a message, which I had to interpret to English and discovered I have a book voucher from the library for the value of RM250.  Nice little treat. But, I cannot use it. Why not? Because I have been begging the university to send me the student ID card I was told to expect in January.  Still no card, so wont be claiming any book voucher either.  But the best was today. I received a survey form requesting me to give feedback on the three classes I am taking. Not a good idea to be asking me that question right now.  I am not sure anyone wants to see my remarks.  But then, they have that covered. Besides giving instructions on how to respond, and the actual survey being a completely different format, I have no one to send it to.  There was a person's name and e-mail address for any questions.  Yes, I wrote. But do you really think I will get a response?

So, tonight, magically, my new assignments were posted on each of my courses. They look interesting. They look challenging. They look like something I do need the week to do. Thank God I was a gnat.  But I wonder what that gnatting has done to my grades for the ones I have uploaded?

I am exhasted.  I think the night is over for this old girl. Have I learned anything regarding intercultural communications? Yes.  I am not going to be the one who changes much of that. I guess I will do my best to understand it better and accept it better too. Maybe I need to make baby steps in regard to my plan to be the intercultural guru. That group in AA had a very good idea. One day at a time. One day at a time.

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