VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Red Light Green Light

I think this one wins the award for the most dysfunctional traffic light issue here.  Travelling to work, I was passing through a taman that has an intersection on the highway.  Everyone drives like they are being chased by a pack of hyenas, so one has to watch the rear view mirror as well as ahead.  I had to take a picture - it was the oddest thing I have seen. This one was a poser.  I had a red light - that was very clear. But at the same time that the red light was shining at me, the green also was glowing. Cars were beginning to come through the intersection from the left, so I was sure I really had a red light. Oops, coming up my rear end was a semi, because he seemed to only register the green light in his cranium, and he was not stopping. I could not proceed - there were cars coming across my path because they had the legitimate green light.  Lucky for me, big truck man did slow down, but came to rest right against my bumper.  That was enough to clear my digestive system.

You will have to click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see both red and green lights on the centre post are lit. 

So, coming home today, I was aggravated by some clown who was trying to also see what I had for breakfast because he was almost attached to my rear bumper. I was travelling at 100 kmh, passing a semi trailer. Mr. rocket scientist was following me so closely, that he tapped my rear bumper when I was mid way past the semi.  I pulled over as soon as I could, and when the moron passed me I gave him the wave.  I am sure you know what I mean.  

Mr. personality did not like my gesture, and kept speeding up and slowing down in the passing lane beside me.  Then, when he thought that was not enough of a moronic act, he would keep the same speed as me and then start inching over to my lane. I had no where to go. There is no shoulder. And there is a string of vehicles racing down the road behind us. I guess I learned that morons over here may not be able to string a logical sentence together in any language, but they certainly know the universal sign when another is not impressed. 

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