VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Picture of Emma and Me

Well, not really accurate.  Emma is the one with the long dark hair, but she drinks beer. I, on the other hand, drink the martinis and of course have the out of control frizzy hair and always wear sunglasses.  But otherwise the picture is accurate. This is what we would have looked like tomorrow - celebrating my 40 something birthday if we would have been able to get together for the occasion.  Neither of us wants to drive that far, in the midst of all the locals driving home from vacation.  Besides, I had a top notch surprise party last year thanks to Emma.  So, feel free to send a birthday wish to me, if you feel like it.  I will be holding court the entire day.  (this is an idiom for those who don't understand).  Haven't  told any other colleagues about the day, so guess the court will be fairly empty, but peaceful.

Why 40 something? Well if you read the caption, and do the math, I guess that is what my age is this year. For those that know me, I would not be able to figure out exactly the number. I could probably have done it if said 60 was the new 30, but then, that is not what it said. Well, I guess I could, but why bother?

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