VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Social Media is Here

I went to work yesterday and one of my mentees also knew of the heist.  She managed to see details of the robbery and a friend's Facebook page because that friend had videoed the event and uploaded it to her page. Imagine having the courage to stand there and video the event, while the dude wields machetes and guns while smashing display cases and taking off with the goods.

Yay Social Media.

I pride myself in my ability to search online for information, but this one has eluded me.  I also teach these mentees all about Internet searches, yet she has done what I cannot master. There must be some secret site that I am not privy to because I still cannot find what she has told me is there.

Guess I will just be thankful that I was not there. When I am in a crowd I will also be thankful for those guards and police sorts that hold Uzis and sawed off shotguns to control the crowds.  I have always been a bit intimidated seeing that sort of presence here, but in light of the Econsave event I guess it is a necessity.  Can you imagine going to the ATM at your bank in Canada and seeing this? Can you imagine emerging from your hospital room to see another seated outside your door holding a sawed off shotgun? I am sure not. But for whatever reason they employ this sort of safety measure I am not going to question it further.

Now to don the duds and head off to a school for yet another meeting.

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