VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kota Tinggi not so sleepy

I got a call last night from a colleague. Seems that the local Econsave was the scene of a successful jewellery story robbery.  I have been warned that Ramadan tends to bring out the worst in these sorts, and I guess this is one of the examples of that.  Everywhere you go in this country you will find some gold shop attempting to entice you to their sparkling bling.  Econsave has two such shops just outside their doors. As the shoppers huddled in the corner of the produce section of Econsave, the men in blue (or black as is the case here) came to deal with the heist, my friend called me to make sure my doors were locked. Locked, yes, but the system here of locking involves a padlock. Egad!  If someone really wanted into my property I guess they could ram a vehicle into the padlocked gate and end that.  I live close, and in a fairly rural area of the community. Behind my property is a berm that leads to a field of plants that is a perfect escape route for those who break the law.  However, there is a pack of roving dogs that are our form of protection during the hours of darkness. I am glad for their presence during such times as this.  I would not attempt to cross their paths during the evening hours. I am sure a bungling burglar would not either.  I was safe and sound, and thanked my lucky stars that I was not huddled in that corner of the produce section; the smell is enough to knock a monitor lizard off his feet while consuming his meal of garbage.

I have checked the online news, the television news, and any other sources that I can think of. No news of this (hopefully) botched heist.  Guess I have added another reason to not shop at Econsave. It was not even after sunset when this happened.   My colleague who alerted me is leaving Malaysia. Does this mean I will not have my personal gossip source and protection agency any longer?

Only thing I found concerning robbers is this story. Gang Busted I hope that it is part of what happened last night, otherwise, we have more to contend with. To give you an idea of the locations mentioned in the article, Ulu Tiram is where I work, Larkin is where I often shop at a wet market, and Jalan Tebrau is where my local Tesco and Aeon shops are.   And, of course, JB and Kota Tinggi are understood.  I am glad I was laying ill in my bed last weekend. Otherwise I could have been in the locations mentioned in the article. I am guessing that 12:40 am really meant 12:40 pm.  However, in these times of fasting, a.m. could well be the actual time of shopping. The nights come alive here with Muslims ferreting out food all night long.

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