VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, August 25, 2012

When One is Long in the Tooth....

I had a wonderful chat with Ry and discussed what I will be doing today.  I think he is very jealous of me because I am going to bird watch - or shall I say, bird listen.  I have developed a program for bird watching that requires very little energy.  I also shared some of my experiences of bird watching that I have already had today, with him.

I have lived in this house for almost two years, and thought I was wakened by a rooster every morning. Silly me. It is really a jungle fowl.  Here is what he sounds like. My Malaysian alarm clock  You can see why I thought he was a rooster. He looks just like a rooster, huh?
difference is that he crows all day long

Secondly, during my big day of bird watching (listening) I found the bloody bird that I have told everyone about.  I have a different description of this guy than the internet has dubbed for him. Some of you know what mine is.  After tons of searching I found the birdy on this site.  common koel - boys and girls singing  Something I learned in my search explained why he is absent sometimes. Seems he does this call just before the monsoon season. Drat. He has been singing his heart out lately. I guess I know what is coming.  Here is another one that demonstrates his song. somewhere in India - but the same song I hear here

So, you see, I have invented the new birdwatching format. When you get as old as me, you will appreciate this.  No need to leave the g & t on the patio, or for that matter; leave the patio at all.

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