VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Adios to a Buddy Today

Today Jeff, my colleague that came here at the same time I did, is leaving. Going back to Canada, apparently.  I promised I would meet him at the crazy food stall where we dined (exaggeration) when we first landed in Kota Tinggi.  I am not sure we can get to the place - there are food kiosks and marquees in every inch of downtown due to the fasting  occurring here. That means no where to park if you can even get close to the food stall, and maybe even no access to it once we get there.  We will attempt and see what we can manage. If all else fails, there is always Pizza Hut. That too brings him fond memories of my trying my first bite of Pizza Hut and taking it back to the hotel of sorts. I would toss the bits of stuff out the window to some skeletal doberman who lay in the blazing sun below my room.  We always have choices to find a place to recall past experiences here.  Wherever we go I am sure we will run into the woman who approached us daily at that beginning. She would arrive with her pink parasol and try to sell us something every day. Used lottery tickets, glasses (vision), hats, and whatever else she thought we needed to begin our lives here.  I will update our dining experience once I know.

On another note, I watched some fuzzy little critter scoot across my patio last night.  I have googled voles, moles, shrews et al but cannot find him.  This is a photo of something like him - maybe.  What is it? He was much blacker though.

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