VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Clearly, too much time on my hands

As I ponder my current book I am reading, my mind returns to Space Odyssey 2001, AI and everything these movies portrayed.  Space Odyssey left us with the result of our evolution of life destroying itself with the technology it developed for that evolution. As we travel through that movie or book, we discover that the technology that man created in order to evolve reaches a point to take over where we leave off.  As the movie ends, and man is faced with a final challenge - his own death. He seats himself and takes his last suppper, but drops and spills the glass at the table. The glass is broke, the wine is spilled, but both are still there. One broken, the other much alive save for the container that once held it. The allegoric meaning I see is that even in the technical age we maintain the belief of body and spirit. So, if we are body and spirit, we live on as a spirit once the body is broken. That being said, then we are also the masters of our own destiny, right?  I am guessing that when some of us pray, we are praying to the collective spirit of all, but we cannot have what we pray for unless we take action. Without sounding a bit off-kilter, I think we could pray to a door knob or a rainbow. We are simply focusing on ourselves, our spirit, so where we see this matters not. I think spirit is everywhere, so if the door knob gives you that focus, then go there and be sincere with your desire for change.

If we want courage, we will be given opportunities to display courage. If we want money, we will be given opportunities to amass money.  If we want trust, I am thinking we are given opportunities to gain, show, and take another chance with trust issues.  Drat, that one is the hardest. They are all hard. But then what is of value has a price.   Sure would be easier to just place an order and have it filled by someone else. But that is not how life works, is it?  Maybe this technical age was working toward someone or something in the sky to take the orders and fill them just like a drive through restaurant. I think many people who pray to God think that is how it is done. I don't think Hal and his cronies will ever get to that point, and I don't think God ever was. The price we pay for these desires is our own commitment to the object or objective we hope to reach.  Technology is a wonderful tool, but when we make it our god,  we have lost sight of its purpose.  Gandhi figured this out  - Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi

For me, I will continue to focus on my desire to change regarding trust.  It is a hard one to beat when it has been beaten out of a person. My biggest challenge was to realize that trust is not something I place in another. Trust is something you look inside yourself and tell yourself you are willing to trust your ability to trust something or someone. Ultimately, you need to come back to trusting yourself, as you did as a child when life was not complicated. And then get on with your life, knowing that the worst that can happen is just another lesson.  Nothing is impossible is it?

BTW  I decided to forego the trip to Singapore. When everyone raises their rates to an unreasonable amount I realize I don't need to travel.  I can go when the rates return to a reasonable amount, and I can spend my ringgits on something else.  For now I will indulge myself with manicures, pedicures, hair cuts and all else that indulges my senses and spend far less than a couple of days across the border. I trust that decision.

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