VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dominos Malaysia Update

No, keep your shirt on;  there is no Dominos in Kota Tinggi just yet. But what the heck, sometimes things work over here like what you are familiar with from home, and when they do, they are worthy of noting.  I had recalled Dominos contacting me by phone late one Saturday evening after I had written an e-mail to them asking where the new Dominos location would be because I saw signage all over the place and no outlet.  They assured me that it would be open in July 2012.  Now, half way through August, I thought it was time to make contact again. Another e-mail after work yesterday produced another phone call last night from an unknown number.

The nice caller carefully explained to me that they are opening another location - not really sure where he told me it was. He was mentioning a jalan something or other, which means 'street'. I asked if he was talking about Kota Tinggi, he replied 'no'.  Some delay in the tenancy agreement for the Kota Tinggi location seems to be the cause of the stall here.  But what the heck.  This guy should be promoted to CEO. He read my e-mail, responded to me, and gave me information and above all - hope.  Maybe he is pulling my leg. Maybe Dominos K.T. will never happen.  But I doubt that. I think he actually hit a snag in rental space here and was making sure they do not lose a customer during that snag.  They have competition to be concerned about; there is already a Pizza Hut in town.  Now that is what I call customer service! Kudos to him. I know how difficult it is to talk to another in a foreign language, and adding the complication of a phone call, not face to face, he did a great job.

After all this attention I guess I better be sure to place an order for pizza once they do open their doors. My first taste of Dominos was in Malaysia.  With all the delightful options back home, they were too far down the list to give them a chance. But with options I have here, I think they are very near the top. I am sure they will prosper here. I see overflowing trash cans of Pizza Hut boxes on a weekly basis next door. I even gave her a gift of a package of trash bags because her unwrapped trash was tipped over regularly at night for a feast for the roving pack of dogs. If not me, at least one customer will keep Dominos in business.

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