VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Was Wrong Again - Good Thing I Have Kids

On a recent visit with Ryan we were discussing the fact that Singapore is a country on its own as well as a city.  We talked about the fact that it was formerly a part of Malaysia, and when Malaysia dropped out of the commonwealth of countries, Singapore also dropped out because it was only a member due to the fact that it was attached to Malaysia.  Ryan said it is still a commonwealth country. I disagreed.  I was wrong.  Being a kind teacher, Ryan let me prattle on with what I believed to be true. Sure is nice to be a parent. I get to learn history lessons that I didn't pay attention to when I was young.  I guess that is one of the best reasons to have children.

Singapore became a member of the Commomwealth of Nations in 1965.  I watched the celebrations of Singapore's Independence Day yesterday while they broadcast their National Day Parade to mark 47 years.  In 1963, Singapore joined Malaysia to form the new Federation of Malaysia, but by August 1965, Singapore was out of this union and became an independent republic, and as far as I can see, they never looked back.  Being probably the most prosperous country in this area, they have figured out the formula to prosper and stay on track in the world economy.  Some mock their civil obedience rules, but I question that. If it was so bad, why do they stay? More than 4 million people share that  small space of terra firma.  I think there has to be serious rules in place there in order to make things work.

An example of how serious they are about rules - you cannot purchase a packet of gum in Singapore. And God help you if you sneak in a pack and then try to dispose of it.  Good for them. Have you ever stepped and then slid on a 'spat out' gob of gum on the sidewalk in Canada? Not a pleasant experience. Forget about gum - what about goobers?  I have seen North Americans spit on the street and it makes my stomach turn.  What kind of upbringing have they had? I see it constantly where I live here now, and when I do I begin to gag and have been known to throw up on myself in the car unless I keep telling myself 'think pretty thought, think pretty thoughts'. What lives in that sputum?  How about TB, among other nasty diseases?

To get an idea of the size, Vancouver Island has a land mass of 32261 sq. km. and is home to far less than one million people. Singapore has a land mass of 710 sq. km. and is home to more than 4 million people.  Imagine the gum and goobers on the sidewalk there if it was allowed! It completely amazes me to see the green spaces, the cleanliness, the roadways and all infrastructure in place in Singapore and wonder where the heck all the people are.  When you do encounter people the will help you with directions, talk to you with interest, and welcome you to their homeland.

In case you too were in the dark about who Singapore is and their size and place in the world I hope I enlightened you.  I still love getting my western fix  by going to Singapore on a regular basis. I have not been there since the beginning of June. Too much time has passed. I am ready for a jaunt.

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