VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Blindside

Having pneumonia and staying home brought a great gift.  I picked up some dvd's that were jammed onto a disc and I lay on the sofa and watched several of the movies over a week of ailing.  I had not heard of most of the movies and many were extremely boring. But one I watched today was completely inspiring. I don’t tend to follow the Oscars or who's who's in Hollywood. I am not a good partner in a game of Trivial Pursuit, unless my teammates cover the movie category.  But this movie, which is a true story of an incredible athlete, was outstanding.

I can hardly wait to get to JB to see if the book is in stock. Not going to go today – it is pouring out. Just like the drivel of Fifty Shades of Grey; which I think was written by either some sex deviate, or a person with a very skewed view of relationships; it focuses on a man who is the offspring of a crack whore.  BUT, that is where the similarities end.

This book, The Blindside, is a true story of a young lad who was given opportunities that some wonderful people offered because they new he had value.  One person’s love and kind gesture changed this man’s life.  His good fortune was meeting this family that realizes every living person is worthy of the same. The good sense of Michael Lewis to write a book about it rekindles my faith in writers that can write something worthy of reading. I strongly recommend this book or movie to entertain and astound you, as it did me. 

Spend your money on a winner.  Pick up this book. I know it will be a good one.

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