VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I thought I had dodged the sick stuff this year. But I awoke with a full-blown hacking cough and I am sure I have succumbed to the virus that is hanging around all the schools. I should  not whine. I forgot my wonderful handkerchief at home the other day, and allowed hand kissing, and spray from children coughing directly at me.  Of course it would happen!  So, now to figure out how to get rid of this without a bag of pills from the clinic, all before I'm leaving on a jet plane.

I still have 2 lunches with people I promised and a few days of work, and then the intense cleaning of the abode before all that leaving on a jet plane happens.

So, for now, here is a message for Westerners.  One directed at the group south of the border where I will be headed, and the other a general message to those who actually experience daylight hour changes, which means all of those over that way.  I cannot bring myself to call those south of the border types the name they have given themselves.  Their ego is already inflated when we call them Americans.  For God sake, anyone who lives in North America or South America is an American. Right?  Cant they even come up with a name for their citizens that reflects where they are actually from? Everyone else in the world has figured it out. And it offends me when people here assume because I am from North America that I am an American. I am not, Not in the way that it is assumed anyway.  Rant finished.

So, for the south of the border lot, here is what you will be doing in the next 24 hours.
Good luck on that one. Your country is a mess and I am not sure who can pull that one out of the fire.  But it does please me that my dollar is still worth more than your dollar. neener neener neener

Now that is a good idea. One could just spend the entire 24 hours in bed. Much like many of my colleagues over here!  They must still have their internal clocks set for North America.  The only time they arouse is for feeding time.

Rant really finished now.
to go

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