VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, November 12, 2012

Depavali Begins

Each of the cultures here celebrate their cultural beliefs at different times of the year. Like christians that celebrate Christmas every December 25th, the Chinese celebrate their new year either January or February, the Muslims celebrate their Hari Raya either July or August, and the Indians celebrate their Depavali in November. Here we are in November, and last night I was awakened, gently, to a sound that has become familiar to my in recent weeks.  The gentle sound of popcorn being heated and exploding through my new popper and into a bowl is what awakened me. Another way to describe the sound is like the noise one can make when sticking their index finger inside their cheek in the mouth and pulling it forward - kind of like a cork popping! I looked at the clock by my bed and it was midnight - on the dot.  Who is making popcorn, and why can I not smell it?  Practicing my Singlish, I would say - Smell it, I cannot, lai dat, lah, what reason it is lah?

The popping continued. I lay in my bed and wondered what was going on. Eventually I understood.  Occasionally I could hear one of those whistling fireworks ascend into the sky and explode (I assume) with a profusion of colours.  This popping continued for about 20 - 30 minutes.  I could be wrong with the time, but it was not a 30 second start/stop event.  Depavali had begun. It begins each year roughly the same time, but exact time is dictated by the moon cycle.  For those who celebrate this event, they will have festivities and gatherings for the next five days. Because I live along the river, and everyone seems to think the river is a perfect location to set off their celebratory fireworks, I get to see it all first hand.  If I was asked to vote on decorum, I would give the Indians the trophy hands down. They arrived with the fireworks without being heard, they set them off with a way that only slightly roused one from sleep, and they left without the listener knowing exactly what happened or why.  I am guessing that it looked much like this for those taking part.

Now I have to figure out how to be civilized and cough/choke free today. I have been invited to my Indian friends for their open house tonight at their home.  I met them at the Plaza a few months ago when we all were trying to get some kind of home internet.They took me under their wing and their eldest son (about 10 or so) translated for me when I was attempting to negotiate a home internet service.   The internet did not happen, but a new friendship was forged, and they keep in touch with me on a regular basis.  I am going to have to find a jasmine necklace somewhere. My own little jasmine shrubs will not be enough for that and even if they were, my knobby old fingers could never thread those delicate flowers onto the string of silk to make the necklace anyway.  I bought one in Little India, Singapore last year. The fragrance knocks you off your feet. Now the quest to find one or some here in Malaysia. Wish me luck. I would like to present them to my friends.   Happy Depavali Logan and family.  See you soon. 

Hmm, I know there is a temple on the way to K T from J B.  Maybe I will check there first.  
No, I remember all sorts of marquees being set up in Kota Jaya this week. That is probably where I will find them. But what a nightmare getting there.  Egad, wish me luck.

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