VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, November 2, 2012

I Think This Could Solve a Few Problems Over Here

Someone sent me a new app for a smart phone.  You can actually download an app that parks your car in a parking lot. For local readers, that last word means a carpark.  Allow me to say this about that.  If the drivers here have smart phones, I will pay for and download this app for them all. It would remove one of the daily headaches I experience if I did. In fact, I would love to find the engineer who created this app and beg them to make one for driving a car. Period.  I could just stand somewhere and drive everyone to their destinations, all from my remote device, and being a smartphone; I could also call them and tell them to go home when I needed space on the roads myself. Just think! No more 5 lane roads created from a 1 or 2 land road!  I would even hire someone to drive the scooter boys so that they would actually drive in an orderly fashion without squeezing between the cars in the fabricated 5 lane self made lanes.

Although these apps are real, my fantasy about using them are just that. A fantasy.  But it was fun while I was in la-la land thinking how driving here would be almost fun.

Take a look. The first one is one produced in Germany. I think the second one could be modified for Malaysia. The sound effects are the same, so language barriers would not be a problem.

I think this one is actually being used here already.  What do you think? Has anyone seen this one in action yet?

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