VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Panic is a very good incentive

I have laid on the sofa for the past week, making a nest of kleenex and empty sparkling water bottles.  I have also become a skilled navigator of the debris I have created in this lifestyle.  Talking with a friend this morning who called to see if I was in Canada now gave me a burst of energy and the incentive I needed to get my rear in gear.  Besides, I had run out of kleenex and sparkling water.  Off to Econsave I traipsed. Drat, I should know better. They do not carry kleenex - they do carry some sort of tissue that rubs your nose raw, but  better than my sleeve. They do not carry sparkling water, but being flexible I was willing to pick up soda water. Forget that.  All on the menu there is coke and syrupy sweet something or other. Back home, back to my filtered water on ice. Then the cleaning began.  The main floor is swabbed, the upper floor is too. All ironing, except for what is still drying is done as well.

I packed the new luggage that could pass as something barbie would take.  Full of trinkets and things for everyone at home.  Might be a good idea to toss in some changes of clothes for me too.  It is very difficult to wrap my brain around sweaters and long pants, and sweaters and long pants.  I sweat just thinking of these things.  But pack them I must.  I have sorted all my currencies and now have to remember what value they hold. Some lucky or unlucky friend or family member might get something worth more than I was planning on spending or the reverse.  I decided to take cash only and when that runs out, I quit shopping.  It is the only way I can do that exchange - remember I said I was no good at math???  If I get lazy, I suppose I could just buy one thing with the wad and call it a day.  If so, one person might score well.

The fridges are bare bones, the larder is similar.  Now to get back to that nest - the Lion King is on television tonight.  I like the Lion King. I love the music, so I guess my neighbours will be blessed with my television volume as high as it will go.  Too bad there are no kids here with me, it would give me an excuse to watch it.  Popcorn sounds like a nice dinner with the movie, huh?  Because I can, lai dat.

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