VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I do not know how I did it, but I am almost ready for takeoff.  Well, still to pack my clothing, but I really do not have much to pack - what I wear here will be of little use in the cold north. I will actually be able to use the beautiful shawl Ryan brought me this year for other than wrapping my fever-racked body, which is the only use it has had here.  I do hope I have left time for the henna paint and my friend being able to apply it. If not, another time.  I am happy with the choices of airlines I made - hope they were good ones in the end.  They both touted that they have extra leg room, so comfort should be better than tinCanair  was last year. Those who know me are likely wondering why I care about extra leg room. The reason is because if I actually had a proportionate body my height would only be about 4 foot six inches.  I am not that height, I am five foot four inches. Hence, all the height is in my legs, not the rest of my body. For those who do not know me, visualize a spider, and that is me (with only 2 legs).I am kind of like a drawing of a person that a 3 year old does - you know a big head, and arms and legs that magically flow out of the neck.  All this prattle leads to an appropriate cartoon I found online.

I have it covered, if that advertisement does not pan out.  I am a woman, so this next statement should be in my favour.

Holy crow, I am going to a land where people actually stop at red lights and stop signs. And to top it off, I don't have to drive.  Right, Jenn?
See you soon Kolly and Levi

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