VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Metropolis of Kota Tinggi

As I watch this cosmopolitan community unfold I realize that it is all in the perspective one has.  Had I seen what we now have when I first arrived, I would have had the same impression I had at that time, and had nothing to look forward to because of that.  So, I guess it is a good idea that I am experiencing this growth.  We have an automatic car wash now which makes me giggle.  I was tempted to go through it, just because it was there. But once I got into the line I realized it was just a hose - high pressure one - that two men sprayed on the car, and then sponged off with soapy water, then another hose held by another employee who rinsed it. But wow, it is more high tech than we have had in the past. Now, today, I went to one of the farmasis I go to and discovered it gone. Lucky for me, I saw it open further up the block so traipsed down there. The farmasist advised that they had to move because a new tenant was going to lease the entire space where they were before, plus all others on either side. Seems Courts  is moving into Kota Tinggi. Well, bless my soul!  This is a semi equivalent to The Brick where I come from.  Add the new mall to this mix and we have indeed begun the path to being a cosmopolitan urban experience.  I was feeling so urban that I stopped for a frozen thing to drink and watch the world go by.  The menu offering was all in pictures, so I chose the one that indicated it was made with a smatter of crushed oreos.  Yuck, it was some kind of chocolate cookie crumbled into the ice mix but heavily flavoured with mint.  I strongly dislike chocolate and mint together. It is like brushing your teeth while enjoying a delightful chocolate. It should never be allowed to marry these two flavours together.  This should be banned worldwide.  No, I don't dislike it - I hate it.

For anyone who fears the dentist as much as I do, here is a quick little jingle written by a poet that I always find amusing.  Ogden Nash hit the nail on the head with this one.

"some tortures are physical
some are mental

but the one that is both

Is dental"

ogden nash

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