VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lunch in Kota Tinggi

Najiha, known to me as G. Her name has
no G, but just the same that is who she is.
Syukry - G's husband.After nearly a year,
I was finally able to spell his name correctly.  

Yesterday I met some former mentees (husband and wife team) + their daughters for lunch.  One of the daughters - the elder one - kind of fits into the mentee catagory as well. My first time at her school so very long ago, I was in her classroom. The teacher never did show up and I had a sea of little faces staring at this foreign lady who looks very odd to them. I finally thought I might as well teach them something, but did not realize that they did not understand any English at all.  With them all staring at me with wide eyes I finally said does anyone here speak any English?  From the crowd, a sweet little voice piped up and said I can speak English.  And then our friendship was forged.  Ayesha Azalia helped me teach the class and everyone had fun.  It was a great way to these little people onside, and I will never forget the day.

Although we had planned to go to JB to Nando's for lunch the plan dissolved, and we opted instead to meet at the famous Rosemerah cafe just a short jaunt from my house.  I did manage to pick up a box of extremely decorated cupcakes for the girls while in JB getting my toes painted a flashy colour for Canada.  I think that was more of a highlight of our visit than actually visiting with me. But the parents and I enjoyed our time together and caught up on what we are doing, where we are going, and everything else in-between.

Yesterday I met some former mentees (husband and wife team) + their daughters for lunch.  One of the daughters - the elder one - kind of fits into the mentee catagory as well. My first time at her school so very long ago, I was in her classroom. The teacher never did show up and I had a sea of little faces staring at this foreign lady who looks very odd to them. I finally thought I might as well teach them something, but did not realize that they did not understand any English at all.  With them all staring at me with wide eyes I finally said does anyone here speak any English?  From the crowd, a sweet little voice piped up and said I can speak English.  And then our friendship was forged.  Ayesha Azalia helped me teach the class and everyone had fun.  It was a great way to these little people onside, and I will never forget the day.

Anne is the little one, Ayesha Azalia is the mentee-in-training.
They are smile because they have cupcakes,
not because they are happy to see me.

G & Me - I'd like to think I looked dreadful because I
have not been well. Truth is - I always look like this! I really

must remember to leave my sunglasses on. It might help
a bit to stop looking like 'muskie'

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