VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I am Almost Sounding Trite

I could almost say I am a wee trite, but that will never happen.  Ry blew into Singapore once again. Seems like we are just a dash away from each other frequently these days.  However, where I live, only a blink from Singapore, I might as well be on another planet.  He did send me a message advising of his arrival. I did get that. Then when he arrived, the fun began. He made several attempts to call me, to no avail.  I had my cell phone attached to me at all times, my bluetooth stuck in my ear, and my internet - with great difficulty - attempted to stay connected or at least frequently connected all day, along with Skype, which had the same problem as the internet - because I live in the middle of nowhere!  But of course, I have been assured I will have a house connection for this service - sometime before I expire.

Finally, last evening he was able to call me on my phone, but that was short lived. He actually thought it was a problem from his Singapore phone. When I managed to stop laughing, and finally managed to call him back, I assured him that Singapore was not the issue. We here in My. can create a communication problem without the assistance of anyone else.  And we do it very well.  I cannot even call my colleagues who are on the same phone plan as myself most of the time. We miss each other's calls on a regular basis, and get a missed call notification a day or two after the event.

Too bad we missed each other by a week. We could have gathered together in my hotel room and munched on popcorn together if he had arrived last weekend.  Alas, he will be hovering around the same places I frequent, so I am sure my energy is still alive and well in those haunts.

What else happened this weekend?  I fell off my fancy schmancy office chair. Not off - with.
While working on files and attempting to send to others - ya right, I reached back while sitting at my desk.  Suddenly, before I knew what happened, I was laying on the floor, still in the chair. Seems that one is not supposed to actually relax and lean back on the lumbar supported, mesh woven back rest of this chair. When one does, the whole thing snaps off, sending a huge spring and various plastic bits flying around the room, and the occupant on the floor.  Once I realized I was still intact, nothing broken, I wrestled myself out of the chair and assessed the damage. I planned to drag it out to the trash, and then thought, it is only a few months old, I deserve an explanation from the vendor for this.  So, off I trotted, with the chair in the car and returned it to the shop. They fixed it.  But rest assured, I will not relax in this chair anytime soon.  Too bad it did not happen to my neighbour. She could have (and would have) milked that one for the week. Taken a week stress leave, or at least, a whiplash injury with possible lawsuit for pain and suffering. I've seen it before.

Maybe I should have kept it in the reclining position and practiced sitting in a dentist chair. It could have helped assuage my fears of what is to come in the next few weeks.

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