VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dinner Last Night

I am such a happy girl. When I get to the time of day to think what's for dinner these days, and cannot come up with an idea. Guess what I choose?  Popcorn.  Last night was a modified rerun of earlier in the week. Popcorn with a side of mango smoothy.  Nice.

I also contacted my new Indian friends to find out if there are Deepavali celebrations slated for our community They responded that there are, and will be in touch soon.  I like that. Although I completely enjoyed last year in Singapore, I have recently taken my Singapore trip and don't feel like making the journey again.  Besides, it is my community, and I need to support my community.  Yesterday when I went for my weekly hour long hair wash I planned my trim before I leave.  We settled on a day - vaguely, for November 12.  It should be interesting.  The last trim was during Hari Raya.  I was squeezed into the salon between every Muslim in the city getting gussied up for their week long celebration.  This time, I have done the same, but with a different culture. I will be among the Indians who are preparing for their own yearly celebration.  Maybe I will get a few ribbons braided into my tresses.  And maybe instead of a manicure I can have this:

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