VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, November 2, 2012

Signalling Makes Life Better

Anyone who has learned anything from my driving lessons 101, please take note.

A very effective way to avoid straddling the centre of a line on the road; thus using two lanes to drive one vehicle, is to use your bloody signal light which indicates where you want to be. And then go there!
If words are too difficult to understand, I have taken photos of a rear signal light in action and a front signal light in action. This should help the remedial ones out there.
This is the right rear of a car. You will see this light blinking on a car in front of you and realize they intend to turn to the right or change lanes to the right.  Great invention.  You can also do the same in your own car when you have the same need to do anything in a right direction.

This is a flashing left front of a car. If you see someone coming toward you and they are flashing that light, you then understand that they intend to turn to the left or move to the lane to the left of where they currently are driving.  Another great tool for letting others know what you plan to do.

For those of you who have discovered the lever to use your own signal lights, please remember to manually turn them off if they did not stop signalling and you have completed the action you had to do. We all know that you are not intending to turn after about 20 km with them flashing. But then, we're not always sure that you are not just being extra cautious in anticipation of an upcoming turn. Using these marvelous little lights  properly makes life more enjoyable for everyone.  

Oops, someone didn't signal

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