This would be an accurate image of me on New Year's Eve |
from the last few days in Canada and forward, you can join me in my thoughts and actions as I learn how to live in a country that I had not even known the exact location until Ryan was there a few years ago. Some days I have rants and other days I have adventures, but every day is a learning experience that I embrace and thank God I was given the opportunity to know and to be. I might even upload a picture of me in this place I now call home – for now.

VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day
Saturday, December 31, 2011
I wonder what rack of dog looks like
We gathered in JB for a New Year celebration at a restaurant that no one would admit to choosing. I know I didn't choose it. I was told we were going to one, and that based my decision to take part. However, somehow we went elsewhere. My crew bases their decisions on prices. But my thought is that if the price is over RM40 for a meal, it really should be good. This place was in the category of over the RM40, but the second part was seriously lacking. Definitely will not be in my list of where to dine. I would have rather gone to Nando's and eaten chicken. One colleague had 'lamb chop'. It looked more like bits of meatish things covered with some sauce, and sliced like deli meat. I felt safe in ordering rack of lamb, but in hindsight, I wonder if there is one less dog in Johor Barhru now. The flavour and texture definitely was NOT lamb. But then I had decided to try out vegetarianism now didn't I? Only six of us gathered for the event, but it was nice to tell each other what we did for the big vacation. The plans to take in dancing and celebrations after dinner quickly faded and I was home by 11 pm. I was glad - still recovering from the trip home. Watched the New Year come in via TV and coverage in Singapore. I really must gather the energy to take that in one of these years. That bunch knows how to do it up big. The fireworks were spectacular and the crowds were overwhelming.
With only three days left before back to work I will find a massage time and then just laze around the house. No more shiny red glasses for this girl. I lost them on Christmas Eve somewhere in Canada. And being they were so flashy, someone there now owns them. But, I was able to dash into the optometry shop before dinner last night and get a new pair made for me. No more flashy red ones available - they are now 'finish, finish'. But exactly same version in a flashy pink hue now adorn my face. The nice lady put on a cord for me so hopefully these will be in my ownership for much longer than the reds.
Next big gathering for celebration will be Chinese New Year. I already have my dragon to adorn my home for the Year of the Dragon. We had a glimpse of how the celebration unfolds last year, so this year I am looking forward to it. I now begin scouting restaurants to make it memorable in a good way. I think we get a week off for that one, so January should be a gentle month for work and getting 'back in the saddle'.
With only three days left before back to work I will find a massage time and then just laze around the house. No more shiny red glasses for this girl. I lost them on Christmas Eve somewhere in Canada. And being they were so flashy, someone there now owns them. But, I was able to dash into the optometry shop before dinner last night and get a new pair made for me. No more flashy red ones available - they are now 'finish, finish'. But exactly same version in a flashy pink hue now adorn my face. The nice lady put on a cord for me so hopefully these will be in my ownership for much longer than the reds.
Next big gathering for celebration will be Chinese New Year. I already have my dragon to adorn my home for the Year of the Dragon. We had a glimpse of how the celebration unfolds last year, so this year I am looking forward to it. I now begin scouting restaurants to make it memorable in a good way. I think we get a week off for that one, so January should be a gentle month for work and getting 'back in the saddle'.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Chinese New Year (coming soon)
for my drivel portion of the blog - the others today are not considered drivel in my mind, here is my Chinese year of the Dragon horoscope.
The Ox (NIU)
Ruler of the hours 1am to 3am
Direction - North/Northeast
Season - Winter/January
Fixed element - Water negative
Yin/Yang - YinPersonality Traits:People born under the sign of the Ox are generally calm, dependable, patient and unflagging. The Ox is symbolic of prosperity that is achieved through hard work. Although obstinate they do have logical minds and will not be easily frightened. They appreciate that in order to achieve success things must be done in a certain methodical and correct way. Ox people are seldom deprived and tend to be both reliable and conventional. They are patient, but once angry and incensed it will be difficult to reason with them, they also have a propensity to hold grudges. Ruled more by their heads than hearts they are full of pride and uncompromising and in order to be happier they should nurture their sense of humour.
The Ox (NIU)
Ruler of the hours 1am to 3am
Direction - North/Northeast
Season - Winter/January
Fixed element - Water negative
Yin/Yang - YinPersonality Traits:People born under the sign of the Ox are generally calm, dependable, patient and unflagging. The Ox is symbolic of prosperity that is achieved through hard work. Although obstinate they do have logical minds and will not be easily frightened. They appreciate that in order to achieve success things must be done in a certain methodical and correct way. Ox people are seldom deprived and tend to be both reliable and conventional. They are patient, but once angry and incensed it will be difficult to reason with them, they also have a propensity to hold grudges. Ruled more by their heads than hearts they are full of pride and uncompromising and in order to be happier they should nurture their sense of humour.
I thought my sense of humour was pretty darn good lately. I am shocked that I am considered obstinate. I wonder if my family would agree? Now I wonder how I am going to manifest great things during the ruling hours of my horoscope. Seems that time is 1 - 3 am. I am never awake.
According to my birth date, I am an earth ox. Here is what is says about this:
The Earth Ox - resolute, enduring, motivated by patience, is focused and genuine.
Vivaldi would write a thank you note
If Vivaldi were alive today he would definitely write me a thank you note. I have purchased so many cd's of the 4 Seasons over the years that he could send all of his children to grad school just on my purchase income. I buy a copy for everyone I know, I had several copies for myself. But, when I moved here I loaded a copy on my computer and gave away all cds. Not a good thing. It did not properly load, and I had to delete it. Not a worry. I went to the big books and music store in JB. They did not carry it. I have been waiting since June for an order of a copy. No cd has ever arrived. What was the first thing I bought in Canada when I arrived? A new cd of the 4 Seasons.
'Full volume I listen to the music and sit here watching the sunrise through the steamy jungle across the road. Live is perfect. My other cd is Boney M which the neighbours have been accosted with from my little veto blaster when I do house cleaning.
Oh yes, there is a new 'restaurant' down the road that opened since I left. Tom Yam - I will have to check it out soon. Might be just the ticket for this cold. Bright neon signs guide you there to a rooftop on a concrete pad just near the house where all the dogs live.
'Full volume I listen to the music and sit here watching the sunrise through the steamy jungle across the road. Live is perfect. My other cd is Boney M which the neighbours have been accosted with from my little veto blaster when I do house cleaning.
Oh yes, there is a new 'restaurant' down the road that opened since I left. Tom Yam - I will have to check it out soon. Might be just the ticket for this cold. Bright neon signs guide you there to a rooftop on a concrete pad just near the house where all the dogs live.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Now home in my little nest. Even put away the luggage. Suffering from a nasty cold I managed to pick up on the journey home. Fever, runny nose, and general disorientation make me want to stay on the sofa and hang out with Lawrence Welk. Those of you of my generation know who Lawrence Welk is. However, my colleagues have other plans. One friend in JB celebrates her birthday today, so we are gathering for dinner at TGIF and then to the Zone for dancing and frivolity. I think I will be able to pass on the Zone portion. But my decline for the other was not accepted. I am so sick I cannot drive, so I have a colleague picking me up en-route to the gathering. After dinner they have all accepted the fact that I will fade. Dropping me off at the birthday girl's condo to let me go back to bed. I was also invited to lunch at my driver's home to meet his family.
Where else in the world would you hire a driver and then be invited to their home for New Year's Eve lunch? That is the kind of place I live in. Kota TInggi is home to me for now for so many reasons. I could move to JB but the same community and feeling of belonging does not develop in a big city. Since my recent trip I have developed a wonderful friendship with the neighbours too. The kids peer across my wall to see if they can see me. Before I left they were too shy to even acknowledge my presence. Well maybe the spider man stickers I gave them was a factor. Or the books I promised them once they arrive. And Ya and I exchange recipes and information now. She is a master of Chinese medicine - I think I should ask her how to speed up the recovery of this cold. I am growing some gigantic peppermint plants on my wall. She pointed to them and tried to explain how they grind them (I think my mortar and pestal may become useful again) and make some kind of tea or whatever which heals 'something or other'. I told her to use them whenever she needs to. They have become so dense that they make a screen from the road. She also moved some of my plants outside the wall. So the perfume from them - even with this cold, is so heady and beautiful I love being out there.
Life is good. I have a wonderful family, incredible friends, a job I love. Not sure it could get better than this. Of course being near my family would make it perfect. But probably not. I have learned that if I have that option I do not appreciate their presence to the same degree. So, our distance makes the reunion so much more precious. I cannot take any of them or my dear friends for granted ever again.
Wishes for all of you reading my thoughts to have a life as wonderful as my own. May you be blessed with the desires of your hearts and the abundance of the universe in 2012 and always.
Where else in the world would you hire a driver and then be invited to their home for New Year's Eve lunch? That is the kind of place I live in. Kota TInggi is home to me for now for so many reasons. I could move to JB but the same community and feeling of belonging does not develop in a big city. Since my recent trip I have developed a wonderful friendship with the neighbours too. The kids peer across my wall to see if they can see me. Before I left they were too shy to even acknowledge my presence. Well maybe the spider man stickers I gave them was a factor. Or the books I promised them once they arrive. And Ya and I exchange recipes and information now. She is a master of Chinese medicine - I think I should ask her how to speed up the recovery of this cold. I am growing some gigantic peppermint plants on my wall. She pointed to them and tried to explain how they grind them (I think my mortar and pestal may become useful again) and make some kind of tea or whatever which heals 'something or other'. I told her to use them whenever she needs to. They have become so dense that they make a screen from the road. She also moved some of my plants outside the wall. So the perfume from them - even with this cold, is so heady and beautiful I love being out there.
Life is good. I have a wonderful family, incredible friends, a job I love. Not sure it could get better than this. Of course being near my family would make it perfect. But probably not. I have learned that if I have that option I do not appreciate their presence to the same degree. So, our distance makes the reunion so much more precious. I cannot take any of them or my dear friends for granted ever again.
Wishes for all of you reading my thoughts to have a life as wonderful as my own. May you be blessed with the desires of your hearts and the abundance of the universe in 2012 and always.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
My drivers and chariot
I have been fortunate in meeting wonderful people in Malaysia. This week is no exception to that statement. After the miserable return caused by airline greed, it was nice to find people who made the return a bit smoother and definitely more amusing.
After only four hours of sleep, I limped out of bed at the hotel I managed to find, and and began the quest to find a way home. I knew I had to figure out a way that was easy and with the least amount vehicles (hopefully one) to get me home. Momar came to mind. He was the driver I hired on my journey in November. He drove me from Kota Tinggi to JB to begin the trip. His number neatly stored in my smart phone was found and sms sent early in the morning asking if he would consider coming to the hotel in Singapore to pick me up and take me home. I offered a price I was willing to pay. Within seconds I had a reply with a positive response. I was delighted, but wrote back to confirm that the price was accepted and the route was known. Yes to both.
Packed and waiting for the chariot, I sat in the lobby watching for his blue limo. Eventually, after a couple of sms advising that the causeway was jammed, a smiling face and waving arms greeted my watchful eyes - from a beige car. Who was this? Did I forgot what he looked like (I had only met him once) No, this was Momar. he dashed to me, shook my hand and wished me a Merry Christmas. Also a gesture that is not common here - Muslim men to not touch women - ever. And a greeting of Merry Christmas was extremely considerate. Hmm, I asked where his blue car was. The reply was 'on the other side of the causeway. Was it broken? Was he in an accident? Not a lot of information, but he and his friend Ibrihim, who I now met, began loading my bags into this new vehicle. It was clear these two were friends, and off we went on our mission to hit the border before the traffic increased to the 1,000,000 crossings in a short while. The two kind of explained what was going on. Seems Momar really does not know how to drive in Singapore but did not want to lose an opportunity to make some cash. He also wants to learn so he can do this in the future. So, his good friend who does travel to Singapore knew where the hotel was and was enlisted to 'teach' Momar the route and how to get around Singapore. Now I had two chariot drivers looking after me. They babbled in Basah Malay frequently and chatted with me as well. Suddenly, the two of them asked me "what will you say at the border"? I said I will tell the border officer that these two Muslim Men have abducted me and I cannot get away from them. We all laughter and they indicated that yes, it would look very much like that sort of situation and they wanted to be sure that we all would be on the same page. It was suggested that we would all say we are all friends. We are now. Lots of laughs and some cautious looks from them fearing I might not be kidding. It was at that time that I was reminded his name was Momar - not Zabri, which I kept calling him. Ibrahim looked at my passport and called me Frances Anne. Like all Malaysians do because they do not understand surnames. So once names established, the pace was again picked up and we neared the first border crossing. The first officials took a cautious look at all of us and caught my eye to be sure I looked like I was safe and comfortable with where I was and with whom. Then we were waved on to cross the bridge. Momar was now very confident and by the time we got to the second officer, in Malaysia, he was chatting him up in Basah Malay. I could make out a considerable amount of the conversation. He was telling the man where I live, that he has visited me there often, etc. (he picked me up once). After smiles and laughs, we were again waved through. Now, to Momar's car, and a transfer of luggage and back on the road again. It was so much better than multiple taxis, or buses that meant up and down stairways at the borders carrying all my luggage. Nice to be a local indeed. As per usual, he then had me as a captive audience, and asked if I could tutor his kids in my spare time. I said I would talk with him after I begin work and see where that can fit in. Since that conversation I have been invited to the family home for lunch on Saturday. And I will be sure to call him Momar. At the transfer of luggage point I asked if I could take a photo of each of them and the cars. I have friends coming to visit me in February and a picture of the driver would be a nice way to find him at the Singapore airport which is probably larger than the whole city of Victoria. 'No No', said Momar, 'I will pick them up'. He obviously feels he will have a handle on the driving in Singapore before that date. If not, my friends will be 'in for' a very interesting introduction to my part of the world.
And my plants - they look better than they looked before I left. Ya, my new friend next door looked after them beautifully. Even put some of them outside the patio so others can enjoy their beauty as well. The gardenia is flanked by a few others out in the direct sun where they have turned into small trees in only a month. Wise woman. She and I had a long chat today, and she wants to cook Chinese food for me soon. I told her I need to drop some weight from all the noshing I did this past month. Her discrete eye travelled down my pudgy self and it was clear she agreed with this through her body language. She is a vegetarian, so maybe just maybe I will learn a thing or three from her about good health. And that is what kind of day it was on my return. I kept thinking it was Wednesday, but constantly was corrected it was Thursday. That international date line plays with your head - a day lost is something that does not compute well especially when you are weary in the first place. Ah, yes, Gordie showed his face finally. Dancing around my computer area he bounded around the ceiling and wall and eventually onto the screen of the window where he could cool his little self in the soft tropical breeze - knowing he was safe and sound indoors with me. Maybe I will go now and try to get a bit more shuteye (it is now4:41 am). I can be lulled to sleep by one of Gordie's cousins who lives outdoors down the street, in the jungle. I cannot explain it, but is is nice to be home.
After only four hours of sleep, I limped out of bed at the hotel I managed to find, and and began the quest to find a way home. I knew I had to figure out a way that was easy and with the least amount vehicles (hopefully one) to get me home. Momar came to mind. He was the driver I hired on my journey in November. He drove me from Kota Tinggi to JB to begin the trip. His number neatly stored in my smart phone was found and sms sent early in the morning asking if he would consider coming to the hotel in Singapore to pick me up and take me home. I offered a price I was willing to pay. Within seconds I had a reply with a positive response. I was delighted, but wrote back to confirm that the price was accepted and the route was known. Yes to both.
Packed and waiting for the chariot, I sat in the lobby watching for his blue limo. Eventually, after a couple of sms advising that the causeway was jammed, a smiling face and waving arms greeted my watchful eyes - from a beige car. Who was this? Did I forgot what he looked like (I had only met him once) No, this was Momar. he dashed to me, shook my hand and wished me a Merry Christmas. Also a gesture that is not common here - Muslim men to not touch women - ever. And a greeting of Merry Christmas was extremely considerate. Hmm, I asked where his blue car was. The reply was 'on the other side of the causeway. Was it broken? Was he in an accident? Not a lot of information, but he and his friend Ibrihim, who I now met, began loading my bags into this new vehicle. It was clear these two were friends, and off we went on our mission to hit the border before the traffic increased to the 1,000,000 crossings in a short while. The two kind of explained what was going on. Seems Momar really does not know how to drive in Singapore but did not want to lose an opportunity to make some cash. He also wants to learn so he can do this in the future. So, his good friend who does travel to Singapore knew where the hotel was and was enlisted to 'teach' Momar the route and how to get around Singapore. Now I had two chariot drivers looking after me. They babbled in Basah Malay frequently and chatted with me as well. Suddenly, the two of them asked me "what will you say at the border"? I said I will tell the border officer that these two Muslim Men have abducted me and I cannot get away from them. We all laughter and they indicated that yes, it would look very much like that sort of situation and they wanted to be sure that we all would be on the same page. It was suggested that we would all say we are all friends. We are now. Lots of laughs and some cautious looks from them fearing I might not be kidding. It was at that time that I was reminded his name was Momar - not Zabri, which I kept calling him. Ibrahim looked at my passport and called me Frances Anne. Like all Malaysians do because they do not understand surnames. So once names established, the pace was again picked up and we neared the first border crossing. The first officials took a cautious look at all of us and caught my eye to be sure I looked like I was safe and comfortable with where I was and with whom. Then we were waved on to cross the bridge. Momar was now very confident and by the time we got to the second officer, in Malaysia, he was chatting him up in Basah Malay. I could make out a considerable amount of the conversation. He was telling the man where I live, that he has visited me there often, etc. (he picked me up once). After smiles and laughs, we were again waved through. Now, to Momar's car, and a transfer of luggage and back on the road again. It was so much better than multiple taxis, or buses that meant up and down stairways at the borders carrying all my luggage. Nice to be a local indeed. As per usual, he then had me as a captive audience, and asked if I could tutor his kids in my spare time. I said I would talk with him after I begin work and see where that can fit in. Since that conversation I have been invited to the family home for lunch on Saturday. And I will be sure to call him Momar. At the transfer of luggage point I asked if I could take a photo of each of them and the cars. I have friends coming to visit me in February and a picture of the driver would be a nice way to find him at the Singapore airport which is probably larger than the whole city of Victoria. 'No No', said Momar, 'I will pick them up'. He obviously feels he will have a handle on the driving in Singapore before that date. If not, my friends will be 'in for' a very interesting introduction to my part of the world.
And my plants - they look better than they looked before I left. Ya, my new friend next door looked after them beautifully. Even put some of them outside the patio so others can enjoy their beauty as well. The gardenia is flanked by a few others out in the direct sun where they have turned into small trees in only a month. Wise woman. She and I had a long chat today, and she wants to cook Chinese food for me soon. I told her I need to drop some weight from all the noshing I did this past month. Her discrete eye travelled down my pudgy self and it was clear she agreed with this through her body language. She is a vegetarian, so maybe just maybe I will learn a thing or three from her about good health. And that is what kind of day it was on my return. I kept thinking it was Wednesday, but constantly was corrected it was Thursday. That international date line plays with your head - a day lost is something that does not compute well especially when you are weary in the first place. Ah, yes, Gordie showed his face finally. Dancing around my computer area he bounded around the ceiling and wall and eventually onto the screen of the window where he could cool his little self in the soft tropical breeze - knowing he was safe and sound indoors with me. Maybe I will go now and try to get a bit more shuteye (it is now4:41 am). I can be lulled to sleep by one of Gordie's cousins who lives outdoors down the street, in the jungle. I cannot explain it, but is is nice to be home.
Build the field and they will come
Did any of you ever watch the movie with that title? Well, I am hoping this one will entice my family to come to Malaysia and visit me. It is driving distance from my home - not a jaunt but easy drive.
Here is the information regarding the 'carrot' to get Levi here.
Here is the information regarding the 'carrot' to get Levi here.
Legoland Malaysia is a theme park scheduled to open in Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia in 2012 with over 40 interactive rides, shows and attractions. It will be the first Legoland theme park in Asiaupon its establishment. It will be the centrepiece of a 5,500,000 sq ft (510,000 m2) integrated complex in the Nusa Cemerlang industrial park, within the Iskandar Malaysia economic region, consisting of a lifestyle retail centre, offices, hotels, service apartments and residential units.
Legoland Malaysia targets 1.5 million visitors when it opens its doors.
Legoland Malaysia layout will start out with the beginning the parks main entrance area with the traditionally main entrance Legoland sight. There will be a Big shop Legoland largest store selling Lego products, toys, sets, DVDs, books and Legoland merchandise and other typical entrance area amenties. Imagination will be to the left of the Beginning in this of park will have Interactive Lego games and Lego building this includes build and test a interactive Lego building attraction where you build houses, cars, skyscrapers and etc. After building then you can test them out, Lego Mindstorms a Lego coumputer games and robotics attraction. Sky cruiser a aerial monorail ride where you control your vehicle by pedaling it around the track above the paths of Legoland Malaysia with incredible views of the city outside Legoland complex and the park, Kid power towers a zierrer junior drop tower ride where you propel your vehicle seat upward to top of tower and then let go of your vehicle seat rope and that drops you down the tower. Lego Duplo playrooms a interactive little kids area dedicated to kids 2-6 where play with and play in play areas and Other Imagination attractions, shops and dining. Castle hill is located in the back of the park the Lego Knights and princesses themed castle.
Legoland Malaysia may feature some Singapore-related and Asia-related places.
A pretty lazy post on my behalf, but useful information for the family to consider the journey. And any others who might want to visit me.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
still have not lost my sense of humour
Thought I would let you know that as a jet setter, I fail miserably. I was so tired when I checked into the hotel that the desk clerk said, just go to your room, we can talk in the morning. (he was trying to tell me the various amenities available to me). So, off I trudged, and hit the up button for the lift. I got in, and hit 2, but discovered I hit the basement 2, and was taken to the bowels of the earth. Quick to repair that one, I kept hitting 2, but nothing happened. I kept going to the mail floor. A nice cleaner man came to my rescue, and with no English helped me. He knew exactly what I did not do. I had to slip my key card into the elevator keypad in order for the room floors to be accessed. Then, to the room. You have to slip the key card into a slot in order to have any electricity in the rooms. I knew that, but I kept hitting every wrong switch and nothing happened. No light. Thank God for the window. Some street light helped me navigate the room. Early this morning I heard my doorbell. I did somehow manage to turn on a switch asking the maids to make up my room. arghhh. No electricity - because I had the key card in the slot backwards.
But I think this last item exceeds all other entries here. I needed to nosh. I went to the lift to go to breakfast and kept hitting the down button. SIx elevators in the bank and none were arriving to my floor. I could not find the stairs. But it was interesting to see windows appear randomly that showed a beautiful scene of the outdoor area of this complex. I was sure those windows were not there a minute ago, but did not question them as I am still groggy. Turns out these windows were glass elevators that opened frequently - each time I hit the down button to get a lift to my floor. Is that not the best entry yet?
Makes you wonder how the heck I managed to find my way to Vancouver does't it? Now I think I will find my way to the bath tub and soak before I have to give up the keycard. I had a rain shower this morning, now time for a soak.
New Year's Eve is soon upon us. The taxi driver told me Singapore does it up big, and then even bigger for Chinese New Year. I recall last year for Chinese New Year, it takes about a week to get the firework displays out of their systems, culminating in a fire bomb that convinced me I was in a war zone. Stay tuned. And while I am thinking of it, Happy 2012 - may your desires be your reality.
But I think this last item exceeds all other entries here. I needed to nosh. I went to the lift to go to breakfast and kept hitting the down button. SIx elevators in the bank and none were arriving to my floor. I could not find the stairs. But it was interesting to see windows appear randomly that showed a beautiful scene of the outdoor area of this complex. I was sure those windows were not there a minute ago, but did not question them as I am still groggy. Turns out these windows were glass elevators that opened frequently - each time I hit the down button to get a lift to my floor. Is that not the best entry yet?
Makes you wonder how the heck I managed to find my way to Vancouver does't it? Now I think I will find my way to the bath tub and soak before I have to give up the keycard. I had a rain shower this morning, now time for a soak.
New Year's Eve is soon upon us. The taxi driver told me Singapore does it up big, and then even bigger for Chinese New Year. I recall last year for Chinese New Year, it takes about a week to get the firework displays out of their systems, culminating in a fire bomb that convinced me I was in a war zone. Stay tuned. And while I am thinking of it, Happy 2012 - may your desires be your reality.
Almost home
Spent the night in Changi Village Inn - a resort in Singapore. Night would be a stretch. I arrived here at 4:30 am after many problems with flights thanks to 'scare canada' as they are known to some. I think I have a driver arriving from KotaTinggi later today to pick me up and take me home. But his sms messages are a tad questionable, so we will see.
Looking out at the golf course and infinity pool off the breakfast room make me think this is a place I should make a habit of visiting. If I shared the room with a colleague it could be a nice retreat when we have had enough at work. A cab ride to the shopping that so many love to take part in is likely only about SD20. Yes, this one is a keeper. I think this is where Ry stayed after our Thailand trip.
I spoke briefly with Levi this morning. He was asking questions I could not answer. Wanting to know if someone would pick me up and as I said earlier, I am not really sure what the plan is, but I will go back to the room after I indulge myself with breakfast, have a bath, and then ready the bags for the rest of the journey. And see if he actually shows up.
Once I lower the blood pressure I will write a scathing letter to Air Canada and ask them why they are not satisfied with selling a ticket to one person. Seems they have decided that if they can sell one seat to one person, then over in this part of the world it would be fun to sell the same ticket to another person and make twice the money. Asian culture does not allow conflict, so they count on the riders to accept things as they are without a fight. They seem to have forgotten that everyone is not Asian. But I am too blistery right now to write anything comprehensible, so will cool off, go home, and then compose my rant.
Wish me luck. I still have to see if the old buggy will start after being idle for more than a month. Another chapter of the Kota Tinggi express.
PS I ate chicken for breakfast. And a very nice salad.
Looking out at the golf course and infinity pool off the breakfast room make me think this is a place I should make a habit of visiting. If I shared the room with a colleague it could be a nice retreat when we have had enough at work. A cab ride to the shopping that so many love to take part in is likely only about SD20. Yes, this one is a keeper. I think this is where Ry stayed after our Thailand trip.
I spoke briefly with Levi this morning. He was asking questions I could not answer. Wanting to know if someone would pick me up and as I said earlier, I am not really sure what the plan is, but I will go back to the room after I indulge myself with breakfast, have a bath, and then ready the bags for the rest of the journey. And see if he actually shows up.
Once I lower the blood pressure I will write a scathing letter to Air Canada and ask them why they are not satisfied with selling a ticket to one person. Seems they have decided that if they can sell one seat to one person, then over in this part of the world it would be fun to sell the same ticket to another person and make twice the money. Asian culture does not allow conflict, so they count on the riders to accept things as they are without a fight. They seem to have forgotten that everyone is not Asian. But I am too blistery right now to write anything comprehensible, so will cool off, go home, and then compose my rant.
Wish me luck. I still have to see if the old buggy will start after being idle for more than a month. Another chapter of the Kota Tinggi express.
PS I ate chicken for breakfast. And a very nice salad.
Sitting in the Hong Kong Airport
Ok, I got up in Vancouver at 5 am on December 27th. It is now December 28th and 8:15 pm in Hong Kong. I turned on my Blackberry which has refused to change to the time zone where it is presently living, so it told me it was 4:55 am. Nice - I have been up for 24 hours now. I just met a nice young lady who is going on the same flight as I am. She has been contracted to do the promotional footage for a legoland in Malaysia (just like Copenhagen Jenn). But she does not know where it will be. Now that should entice you to to come to visit. I have her contact information so she will let me know when she knows where it will be. I am shocked that Malaysia will be doing something like this, but glad too. It might bring friends over here that have kiddos.
Sipping on a Starbucks Americano - they have real cream here in Hong Kong, not the little serving that the Singapore group sneaks out for me. So, I will sip on this to ensure that I d not fall asleep while waiting for the plane. Not really sure what I am gonna do once in Singapore. It will be very late when I arrive, and then will have to trust that my luggage will be somewhere in Singapore airport for me to claim. Then the lovely stuff for getting into that country, finding a hotel to sleep off this trip, and then finding a cab to take across the border when I awake.
There is so much duty free shopping one can do - I considered a Tanquary gin bottle but then discovered that the flight I got placed on is an American flight and they advised that NO DUTY FREE LIQUOR is allowed on the flight. You know their droplets of liquid rule in the USA. So, no gin for this girl. Better have that filtering system once I get home so I can distill my own.
Speaking of home - I wonder if Gordon and his buddies have taken that over. I guess I will find that out soon enough.
Sipping on a Starbucks Americano - they have real cream here in Hong Kong, not the little serving that the Singapore group sneaks out for me. So, I will sip on this to ensure that I d not fall asleep while waiting for the plane. Not really sure what I am gonna do once in Singapore. It will be very late when I arrive, and then will have to trust that my luggage will be somewhere in Singapore airport for me to claim. Then the lovely stuff for getting into that country, finding a hotel to sleep off this trip, and then finding a cab to take across the border when I awake.
There is so much duty free shopping one can do - I considered a Tanquary gin bottle but then discovered that the flight I got placed on is an American flight and they advised that NO DUTY FREE LIQUOR is allowed on the flight. You know their droplets of liquid rule in the USA. So, no gin for this girl. Better have that filtering system once I get home so I can distill my own.
Speaking of home - I wonder if Gordon and his buddies have taken that over. I guess I will find that out soon enough.
A phrase that Air Canada lives by and now I know why. What a bunch of idiots. I flew across the world on a big shiny Air Canada plane to be able to connect with a Singapore Air plane in Hong Kong to get me to Singapore. Well, some genius with Air Canada apparently tried to round up the travellers on the flight from Vancouver that needed to transfer to Singapore Air. Seems he stood at the ramp as we left the flight. But did not happen to call out our names or any such thing. SO, the doorknobs at Air Canada gave away the seats and now I am sitting in the f'n airport in Hong Kong wondering how the hell I will get to SIngapore and where the hell are my bags.
If something can go wrong, Air Canada is sure to be part of the wrongness. I am not a happy girl. I can't even get a room here and God only knows when I will get into Singapore tonight - if at all!
Yes, I can see the glee in those lovely employees at AIr Canada when they see us without our flights. Yes, Air Canada, you can be happy now - at my expense.
If something can go wrong, Air Canada is sure to be part of the wrongness. I am not a happy girl. I can't even get a room here and God only knows when I will get into Singapore tonight - if at all!
Yes, I can see the glee in those lovely employees at AIr Canada when they see us without our flights. Yes, Air Canada, you can be happy now - at my expense.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Why does your dog always know what you are thinking?
Do dogs and children just allow their intuition work and therefore know what 'is'?
I sat with my grandson in the kitchen today and asked if he wanted to watch the 'hungry caterpillar' dvd I brought for him. One of my mentees made an animation with the narration in Malay. I knew he would like it - he knows the story, and language is not necessary to understand when you watch this. We watched a few times and I said 'Levi, this is your's and you can watch it with your mom when Nana goes back to Malaysia". His reply was 'I don't want it. And he said it very firmly and with a very angry face. I asked him why he was angry. He said I am NOT Angry, I am sad. What a wise little boy. What he was able to express at his tender age of 3 years took his Nana about 40 years to understand that she actually had different feelings. He has a wonderful mother to be able to teach him that he has all these feelings and know how to identify them himself.
I leave tomorrow morning for Malaysia, and it has been a very unsettling day around the house today. Finally my daughter and I just fell into each other's arms and wept. Of course I was flattered - she will actually miss me. But God how it hurts when I still know I will leave tomorrow. I do not think we have held each other as tightly as we did tonight since she was a little girl who just needed her mom for something or other. So we stood and leaned on each other and it was as if we were invisible to the rest of the family. Somehow we were allowed to weep openly without upsetting the children who were only steps away from us. Our own private time to be sad. I guess the wisdom of children shines through once more. They fly into and out of these emotions a million times a day. They cleanse their souls, and open their hearts to allow love and good things to continue to flow. I guess we were just being wise children tonight. But it was not easy, and will be less so tomorrow at the airport.
However, I feel better about leaving knowing that Levi will look after his mother because he will know the right words to say to help her understand her feelings. She might look like she is angry, but he will remind her that she is just sad. And then they will plan a trip to visit me. Or me them. In any case, it is like the cowboy song - this is just adios and not good bye.
I sat with my grandson in the kitchen today and asked if he wanted to watch the 'hungry caterpillar' dvd I brought for him. One of my mentees made an animation with the narration in Malay. I knew he would like it - he knows the story, and language is not necessary to understand when you watch this. We watched a few times and I said 'Levi, this is your's and you can watch it with your mom when Nana goes back to Malaysia". His reply was 'I don't want it. And he said it very firmly and with a very angry face. I asked him why he was angry. He said I am NOT Angry, I am sad. What a wise little boy. What he was able to express at his tender age of 3 years took his Nana about 40 years to understand that she actually had different feelings. He has a wonderful mother to be able to teach him that he has all these feelings and know how to identify them himself.
I leave tomorrow morning for Malaysia, and it has been a very unsettling day around the house today. Finally my daughter and I just fell into each other's arms and wept. Of course I was flattered - she will actually miss me. But God how it hurts when I still know I will leave tomorrow. I do not think we have held each other as tightly as we did tonight since she was a little girl who just needed her mom for something or other. So we stood and leaned on each other and it was as if we were invisible to the rest of the family. Somehow we were allowed to weep openly without upsetting the children who were only steps away from us. Our own private time to be sad. I guess the wisdom of children shines through once more. They fly into and out of these emotions a million times a day. They cleanse their souls, and open their hearts to allow love and good things to continue to flow. I guess we were just being wise children tonight. But it was not easy, and will be less so tomorrow at the airport.
However, I feel better about leaving knowing that Levi will look after his mother because he will know the right words to say to help her understand her feelings. She might look like she is angry, but he will remind her that she is just sad. And then they will plan a trip to visit me. Or me them. In any case, it is like the cowboy song - this is just adios and not good bye.
The Spirit of Giving
Today Levi learned a valuable lesson. He has been blessed with abundance in everything in his life. He understands that his Nana lives in Malaysia and helps the children there to learn how to speak and read English. My Christmas present from Levi this year was a book Fox in Socks, by Dr. Seuss. This book is part of his own library as well. This afternoon we sat down and Levi wrote his name on the inside cover where it says 'donated by' because Nana always acknowledges whoever donates a book to her travelling library. To be able to give with such a pure heart is an example of what Christmas signifies. And his sticker collection of over 1000 Spiderman stickers is going along for the trip. These children will not know what happened when they see all these stickers available to them.
Thanks Levi and all others who have donated books to this cause. Your generosity overwhelms me. Wish I could say the same for Air Canada.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
The preparation, planning, and orchestration is now behind us. Our bellies full of all sorts of good things, it is now time to clean up the mess and put on the stock pot for turkey soup. I have satisfied my need to consume all the foods I missed this past year. Now time to rethink my eating habits and get back to the norm for me in Malaysia. Not a hardship. It will do this old bird good to drop the weight I have happily put on. Armed with a new oster smoothie blender I should be able to get into good health, compliments of the Canuck family under the tree this year. And if all else fails, Ry and I should enjoy some fine Margaritas in Malaysia.
Now time to figure out how to get all this loot back home and produce a very fine library for the schools next month. Today I received a Fox in Socks from Levi, so he will have his name in the front of the book as the donor. Another friend is sending one too, so the schools should be very happy to have 2 copies of this much coveted book. Thank you to everyone who donated books for the cause. You have made many children very happy to learn English because of your generosity. You can be sure that when these children are grown they will remember the support from Canada and the Dr. Seuss books they had fun reading with Medeem Frensees
Now time to figure out how to get all this loot back home and produce a very fine library for the schools next month. Today I received a Fox in Socks from Levi, so he will have his name in the front of the book as the donor. Another friend is sending one too, so the schools should be very happy to have 2 copies of this much coveted book. Thank you to everyone who donated books for the cause. You have made many children very happy to learn English because of your generosity. You can be sure that when these children are grown they will remember the support from Canada and the Dr. Seuss books they had fun reading with Medeem Frensees
The perfect Christmas Present
Jenn and I were busy being Santa - getting the presents under the tree and the phone rang. Yippee, Ryan managed to call. My Christmas is complete. I got to talk to both my children - maybe not on the same continent - but both at the same time.
Now to bed because the morning will come quickly and the day will be a flurry of paper, cooking, and feeding the masses.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Now to bed because the morning will come quickly and the day will be a flurry of paper, cooking, and feeding the masses.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Found Ry on Skype. We all managed to chat briefly with him, but with the overload even on Skype, our messages seem to be stalled in 'pending'. That is ok - we can wait. Thank God for Skype. I will wait for my turn there.
I THINK THAT is the right short message. I lost my pretty red glasses today. What a nightmare. I cannot see things clearly, which means I am fretting about the immigration papers I need to sign. Christmas Eve here now, so no chance of picking up some cheap readers tomorrow. I hope I can get to some dollar store on the day after and get me something to be able to read the papers I need to sign on my journey back to Malaysia. EEEEK.
As for Ryan, like my SOS to him when he went to Thailand during the Tsunami, I need to hear from him. He said he would call us today, and no call. I know that lines get plugged up during the Christmas season, but oh My God, I need to hear his voice or watch his taps of a message to me. Please, let that be my Christmas present this year. This just proves that a mother is always a mother.
As for Ryan, like my SOS to him when he went to Thailand during the Tsunami, I need to hear from him. He said he would call us today, and no call. I know that lines get plugged up during the Christmas season, but oh My God, I need to hear his voice or watch his taps of a message to me. Please, let that be my Christmas present this year. This just proves that a mother is always a mother.
Only 2 more left
2 more indulgences.
then time to wing my way back to a place where I am going to have to rid myself of the weight I gained from enjoying the treats. Maybe the lack of foods there really is a blessing.
then time to wing my way back to a place where I am going to have to rid myself of the weight I gained from enjoying the treats. Maybe the lack of foods there really is a blessing.
today's treat with my buddy Janice. Can hardly wait for this one.
And, of course - the reason of the season! Tomorrow's delight!
Maybe a little BLT today to get the appetite synapses firing.
Santa's gift - even to the pooch
As you can see by the serious facial expression, wrapping a gift for the family dog is just as important as wrapping for any other family member. She will be gnawing on a new smoked bone while we tear through our Christmas presents in the morning. Everyone keeps forgetting we must not put this one under the tree just now. It would not last a minute there if we did. Much like Levi's excitement regarding anticipation of Christmas Day, Shayna would not be able to contain herself and definitely would tuck into this one as soon as it was unguarded by human eyes.
It is now our Christmas Eve day in our part of the world. We received a message from Ryan - far away from us. Looks like we will be trying to connect some time today with him - I sure hope we can manage. It is as close as being all together that we can manage this year.
It is now our Christmas Eve day in our part of the world. We received a message from Ryan - far away from us. Looks like we will be trying to connect some time today with him - I sure hope we can manage. It is as close as being all together that we can manage this year.
Friday, December 23, 2011
A Nana who babysits
Today I have been baking with Levi, and now that he and his mom took the pooch for a run, the Nana job moves into babysitting little sister. She didn't seem to think she needed a long nap today, so decided to call me with her mighty lungs - advising me that it was time to relieve her from her bedroom. Now being entertained by her sweet giggles and chortles, we are managing our girl time before the big brother returns.
Here is how she looks today. It is very eerie to look at a child that is clearly a grandchild - but see that child's mother and other relatives at that age in her expressions and her whole being. There is serious truth in the statement that the eyes are the windows to the soul. What a beautiful soul here.
Here is how she looks today. It is very eerie to look at a child that is clearly a grandchild - but see that child's mother and other relatives at that age in her expressions and her whole being. There is serious truth in the statement that the eyes are the windows to the soul. What a beautiful soul here.
The baby girl who always smiles - again just like her uncle, and so like her mom
She really does say Nana, and holds her hand out to me when she does. Maybe a comfortable place to put her tongue during all this teething, but I am just gonna keep on believing she really is saying Nana
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Noshing along
Well, I think I have managed to nosh on all the delights I wanted to experience. I saw Jenn on her IPad this morning, while calling various numbers on her Blackberry. See clearly is a lady of 'today' and embraces the technology available. I now see why she has made certain that the wireless is faultless throughout the house. Must be able to access the internet in all corners for all reasons. And today's reason was of interest to me. She was trying to find a Spolumbo's retailer in Vancouver. Seems they have ceased selling to the various grocery retailers out here, and I had mentioned to Jenn that I could say the gastronomic tour was complete if I only had a Spolumbo. I really don't need one, so told her to stop trying. If that is the only thing missing in my belly, I am doing very well. This morning I awoke to the intense desire to have a BLT. After I announced that one, Jenn kinda curled her lip and accepted my craving while I prepared the bacon cooking. Ha. She is her mother's daughter. Two BLTs this morning, and I did not eat them both.
Today is completion of baking with Levi. Should be a rather messy event. Mince tarts, shortbread, and nanaimos are on the baking roster. We need to complete this chore before dinner, as a neighbour/friend is arriving to treat us to a 'prairie feast' of things I cannot spell. Could all be described as something to ensure hardening of the arteries, strokes, and heart attacks on a plate. All consumed with delightful amounts of melted butter, fried onions, and (I think) bits of bacon. Bon Apetit
I wonder if plain rice will get rid of these spare tires I seem to be adding to my girth? If so, good think I own a rice cooker back home. Eek - did I say home?
For now, I am gonna try to hide from the household and see what the heck I have accumulated to take back with me. So many books, and so little allowance thanks to Air Canada. Then there is the tin of sockeye for every second month indulgence, dijon mustard, and my new mac. AND the new little bag to carry the books. Not really sure if that was a real solution. Bought a luggage scale, so will now try to allot items to each bag and see what needs to be moved, removed, carried, or worn. Wish me luck.
Today is completion of baking with Levi. Should be a rather messy event. Mince tarts, shortbread, and nanaimos are on the baking roster. We need to complete this chore before dinner, as a neighbour/friend is arriving to treat us to a 'prairie feast' of things I cannot spell. Could all be described as something to ensure hardening of the arteries, strokes, and heart attacks on a plate. All consumed with delightful amounts of melted butter, fried onions, and (I think) bits of bacon. Bon Apetit
I wonder if plain rice will get rid of these spare tires I seem to be adding to my girth? If so, good think I own a rice cooker back home. Eek - did I say home?
For now, I am gonna try to hide from the household and see what the heck I have accumulated to take back with me. So many books, and so little allowance thanks to Air Canada. Then there is the tin of sockeye for every second month indulgence, dijon mustard, and my new mac. AND the new little bag to carry the books. Not really sure if that was a real solution. Bought a luggage scale, so will now try to allot items to each bag and see what needs to be moved, removed, carried, or worn. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
We managed to gather both children, a list, and our wits and head to Super Store - otherwise known as Stupor Store to those who manage to get there with children. Listed, and armed with a cart, we began our mission of finding the best of everything for our table on Sunday. Now being a babysitter with the two urchins, whilst the mother shops for silver cleaner for Cinderella to apply to the fancy schmancy stuff that Ry, who is the new owner of the stuff, needs to collect some time. Thanks Ry for the loaner - we will take pictures.
Here is a picture that depicts a vision of this Cinderella at the entrance to the shops this morning.
Here is a picture that depicts a vision of this Cinderella at the entrance to the shops this morning.
look familiar to your own life this week?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Hanging out with Dinah
The first day we managed to convince Lisa to take us shopping. No border crossing today - but scored big with books for Malaysia kids. On our way back to the house for our wee g & t (minus the t), we stopped at the shore to take a quick picture of the sunsetting over Vancouver Island. Not always an opportunity, but we caught a beautiful sight and were able to watch the sun drop behind the island in seconds.
Doesn't get much better than this, does it? And no snow for we Canucks either.
Only one more week and I am back in heat and humidity. I better be sure to appreciate the down covers I have been swaddled with here, knowing that none of that will be necessary in only a week. Sure hope I do not have to re acclimatize on my return.
Levi called Nana this morning and was comforted in knowing that I will be back there tomorrow to make cookies again with him. Nice to be missed.
Levi called Nana this morning and was comforted in knowing that I will be back there tomorrow to make cookies again with him. Nice to be missed.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
9 days and I am gonzo
Where did the time go? Every day is a blur of activity, yet I feel like I have not accomplished anything. Maybe that is what motherhood is all about. If I honestly look back at the years of mothering my children when they were little, I could probably say the same thing. What on earth did I accomplish today?
Having said that, I think I know the answer. Levi and Nana have build a strong bond. We bake cookies, we read books, and we play writing on the back with soap games in the tub. I think I vote for the baking cookies activity as number one. I love how he takes the electric mixer like Luke Sky Walker wielding his light sabre against all dangers and conflicts. That mixer filled with flour and butter flies around the walls of the batter bowl sending cookie dough missiles into cupboards and unsuspecting dog faces, while its captain focuses on the job at hand with his tongue hanging out of his mouth down to his chin. Being a Nana allows one to take the same attitude because it is not my kitchen, so no worries about consequences of these actions. My bond with Kolly is from a different perspective. She has a couple of strong desires and needs. Comfort and a full belly seem to be on the upper end of that list. So, feeding the bottomless pit and playing any activity that makes her laugh are the only two things needed for her. Pretty easy job - and with great rewards. That giggle, wrinkled nose when she smiles, and little tongue hanging out of her mouth as she shapes the word Nana on her lips - at least a good portion of her face - are enough to melt an ice floe in the Arctic.
With the occasional typed text message to Uncle Ryan on Skype, Levi and Nana keep in touch with him while he works; keeping him abreast of our Christmas preparation activities. Off to White Rock for a couple of days before returning to the household for final Christmas menu tweaks. Of course I am looking forward to the making of shortbread and most definitely watching them be sprinkled with various wee candies and bits by the pastry chef who doubles as the big brother. Will take a few pics of that event and post them here once we complete that task.
I think I am nearing saturation of gastronomic indulgence. Finally! We meandered downtown Vancouver yesterday to a restaurant that Jenn advised was noted for its reuben sandwich. It was good, but I think I have had better. So that leads me to think I have either been overloaded with food or I have not found the ultimate reuben. Doesn't matter. I have noshed my way through Canadian fare, and perhaps it is time to recondition myself to what will be a normal diet, or at least consumption volume that will be the norm in about one week. Well, I still have to consume turkey and probably one more barbecued steak. Yes, a barbecued steak would be just fine!
Having said that, I think I know the answer. Levi and Nana have build a strong bond. We bake cookies, we read books, and we play writing on the back with soap games in the tub. I think I vote for the baking cookies activity as number one. I love how he takes the electric mixer like Luke Sky Walker wielding his light sabre against all dangers and conflicts. That mixer filled with flour and butter flies around the walls of the batter bowl sending cookie dough missiles into cupboards and unsuspecting dog faces, while its captain focuses on the job at hand with his tongue hanging out of his mouth down to his chin. Being a Nana allows one to take the same attitude because it is not my kitchen, so no worries about consequences of these actions. My bond with Kolly is from a different perspective. She has a couple of strong desires and needs. Comfort and a full belly seem to be on the upper end of that list. So, feeding the bottomless pit and playing any activity that makes her laugh are the only two things needed for her. Pretty easy job - and with great rewards. That giggle, wrinkled nose when she smiles, and little tongue hanging out of her mouth as she shapes the word Nana on her lips - at least a good portion of her face - are enough to melt an ice floe in the Arctic.
With the occasional typed text message to Uncle Ryan on Skype, Levi and Nana keep in touch with him while he works; keeping him abreast of our Christmas preparation activities. Off to White Rock for a couple of days before returning to the household for final Christmas menu tweaks. Of course I am looking forward to the making of shortbread and most definitely watching them be sprinkled with various wee candies and bits by the pastry chef who doubles as the big brother. Will take a few pics of that event and post them here once we complete that task.
I think I am nearing saturation of gastronomic indulgence. Finally! We meandered downtown Vancouver yesterday to a restaurant that Jenn advised was noted for its reuben sandwich. It was good, but I think I have had better. So that leads me to think I have either been overloaded with food or I have not found the ultimate reuben. Doesn't matter. I have noshed my way through Canadian fare, and perhaps it is time to recondition myself to what will be a normal diet, or at least consumption volume that will be the norm in about one week. Well, I still have to consume turkey and probably one more barbecued steak. Yes, a barbecued steak would be just fine!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Levi and Nana make gingerbread men
Today was a flurry of flour, spices and butter. Levi, the baker flung the electric mixer about the bowl and various stations of the kitchen. The end result - surprising to all
And they taste great too!
Tomorrrow the sprinkles and finishing touches
Tuesday in Hongcouver
I awoke to the news telling me that snow is expected either today or tomorrow. arghhh. It really does not feel too bad today - but that comes with overcast skies which are very forgiving temperature wise. Perhaps a bit of white stuff falling from the skies will change my mind.
I am meeting a good friend for lunch tomorrow. We really must be old birds. I suggested we meet at the mall as it is walking distance for me, and a sky train jaunt for her. Really - where have the days gone that we actually pondered ambience over convenience? I told her that the food fare would be a treat to this Malaysian refugee, so not sure if we are taking in the food fare or Whitespot. Neither requires a reservation. I babysat the rug rats on Sunday when Jenn went some chi chi new restaurant downtown with her friends. I will live vicariously through her experience and have a whistle dog or some such eats.
I am meeting a good friend for lunch tomorrow. We really must be old birds. I suggested we meet at the mall as it is walking distance for me, and a sky train jaunt for her. Really - where have the days gone that we actually pondered ambience over convenience? I told her that the food fare would be a treat to this Malaysian refugee, so not sure if we are taking in the food fare or Whitespot. Neither requires a reservation. I babysat the rug rats on Sunday when Jenn went some chi chi new restaurant downtown with her friends. I will live vicariously through her experience and have a whistle dog or some such eats.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Levi's Christmas Tree
Helping his mom, Levi checks the lights before stringing them on the tree.
Adorning the tree with baubles, bangles, and bows, Levi admires his handiwork.
And, the very best - the Christmas angel that Levi built with his Nana. We sent a copy of it to Uncle Ryan to get his approval for our hard work. I think he approved. I know it took him a while to study the craft because he did not respond immediately. See how nicely she perches atop the tree that Levi picked all by himself?
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Rabindranath Tagore
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
While in Victoria, a friend showed me a photo journal book made by someone she knows. She suggested that I make one of my Malaysian adventures. What piqued my interest was all the Rabindranath Tagore quotes because I had one on my wall for several years. Above was that quote. And today, like every other adventure I take, makes me think that 'this time I have found the work I was meant to do'. Maybe, after all these epiphanies I have had over the years what I was supposed to realize is that any work I do that is service to others is 'the right work, at that time'.
So, for now, I will act, behold, and know that service is joy - in Malaysia and anywhere I am of service.
Mount Seymour
I was gonna join the kids for tobogganing today, but declined
when I discovered a lack of seating in the car. For Malaysian
readers, look at what there is to do in the Vancouver area. brrr
watch for pictures of the happy sledders once they return.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Air Canada - harrumph
reply from the airline.
I thought I had a chance with this considering they served stew out of a tin foil pan as the main course on my way back. I would have thought that was an effective cost saving effort that could have enabled some Malaysian kids to have books to read. The taste and amount were not worthy of the effort it took to serve it.
A tad more sophisticated than the person who answered the phone on the cargo line. He just laughed.
I thought I had a chance with this considering they served stew out of a tin foil pan as the main course on my way back. I would have thought that was an effective cost saving effort that could have enabled some Malaysian kids to have books to read. The taste and amount were not worthy of the effort it took to serve it.
A tad more sophisticated than the person who answered the phone on the cargo line. He just laughed.
1:15 PM (5 hours ago)
![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Please do not change the Subject Line - Veuillez ne pas modifier le Sujet de ce courriel
Dear Ms. Embury,
Thank you for your email.
I read your letter with interest and admire your efforts. Regretfully, however, we are unable to provide the requested exception.
As you may appreciate, we receive numerous requests for waivers on excess baggage limits and fees from many commendable organizations, individuals and causes. The sheer volume makes it impossible to meet all the requests that we receive. Furthermore, our efforts to reduce costs have limited our ability to sponsor many of the worthy programs and initiatives that come to our attention.
I am sorry we could not be of more help; however, we do appreciate your consideration of Air Canada as a partner in your journey.
Customer Relations
Please do not change the Subject Line - Veuillez ne pas modifier le Sujet de ce courriel
Dear Ms. Embury,
Thank you for your email.
I read your letter with interest and admire your efforts. Regretfully, however, we are unable to provide the requested exception.
As you may appreciate, we receive numerous requests for waivers on excess baggage limits and fees from many commendable organizations, individuals and causes. The sheer volume makes it impossible to meet all the requests that we receive. Furthermore, our efforts to reduce costs have limited our ability to sponsor many of the worthy programs and initiatives that come to our attention.
I am sorry we could not be of more help; however, we do appreciate your consideration of Air Canada as a partner in your journey.
Customer Relations
I Need Help
Ok, everyone. I have tried to contact Air Canada. You know those guys?? Well, I have amassed 44+ story books for the kids in Malaysia and now I want a break in taking them onboard with me. I have left an e-mail with Air Canada, with a reply from them advising I could wait up to several weeks for a reply (if at all). I did talk with a live person who was completely amused with the fact that I might want some assistance - a break in weight of books, so I am thinking I am up the creek on this one.
If any readers here can think of a way to get by this - I know other carriers will do a waive of costs, but really not sure I am going to find this with good old Air Canada, then please leave me a reply to this post or contact me with your ideas. Maybe I could loiter around the airport and befriend one of the first class passengers who does not use their full baggage allowance. Funny how they seem to allot weights according to the price of the ticket. Those with the high priced tickets don't carry much with them. They just buy new stuff when they get to their destination. I even thought if I handed out a story book to each passenger in the line to board the plane, I could collect them at the end of the journey and stuff them in my bags, jacket, pockets and whatever while deplaning. Probably won't go over too well with the stewardesses - they need to hand out their newspapers to the rich folk.
If any readers here can think of a way to get by this - I know other carriers will do a waive of costs, but really not sure I am going to find this with good old Air Canada, then please leave me a reply to this post or contact me with your ideas. Maybe I could loiter around the airport and befriend one of the first class passengers who does not use their full baggage allowance. Funny how they seem to allot weights according to the price of the ticket. Those with the high priced tickets don't carry much with them. They just buy new stuff when they get to their destination. I even thought if I handed out a story book to each passenger in the line to board the plane, I could collect them at the end of the journey and stuff them in my bags, jacket, pockets and whatever while deplaning. Probably won't go over too well with the stewardesses - they need to hand out their newspapers to the rich folk.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
on the ferry again
No pictures today. But words about the Island trip. I have the most wonderful friends anyone could want. I was completely indulged with my desire to eat my way through my vacation. I ended the trip with a stay at my friend Marie's place. She invited a few of my friends for dinner and we noshed on barbecued steaks, salad, and baked potatoes. Then, the next night she and I tucked into a fabulous leg of lamb. Now on the ferry heading back to the mainland, I have a sack of steak slices, Cobbs's cape seed bread, and tomatoes to make a sandwich for the journey. Maybe I will save it for the 'room food' back at the house with Jenn. Maybe not.
I ran into one of the professors from RRU who said my name was the chatter at the school after I left. Not sure if it was good chatter or otherwise. I am choosing to believe good - he did talk to me after all. I will also be in contact with him regularly regarding a school in Malaysia.
Now laden with a pull along backpack, a loaner backpack from Jenn and a paper bag holding a Christmas present from Marie, I make my way through ferry patrons, then bus and sky train transport. Marie, being a doctor, always looks after my health. She purchased me a mini salad spinner to take home. I can hardly wait to get back there to eat salads regularly. I must have eaten a whole field of lettuce in the past four days already. Guess that is why she felt the need to buy this for me. In a climate of +35 on a daily basis, you would think there would be salad foods abundant at every corner. Not so. But now with the new 'water' purifier and salad spinner I could become the girl with the technology to make my home the place to gather.
I ran into one of the professors from RRU who said my name was the chatter at the school after I left. Not sure if it was good chatter or otherwise. I am choosing to believe good - he did talk to me after all. I will also be in contact with him regularly regarding a school in Malaysia.
Now laden with a pull along backpack, a loaner backpack from Jenn and a paper bag holding a Christmas present from Marie, I make my way through ferry patrons, then bus and sky train transport. Marie, being a doctor, always looks after my health. She purchased me a mini salad spinner to take home. I can hardly wait to get back there to eat salads regularly. I must have eaten a whole field of lettuce in the past four days already. Guess that is why she felt the need to buy this for me. In a climate of +35 on a daily basis, you would think there would be salad foods abundant at every corner. Not so. But now with the new 'water' purifier and salad spinner I could become the girl with the technology to make my home the place to gather.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Royal Roads
It is like coming home. I took a few pictures of the path to Jenn's office, and then held my laptop up to my face and snapped a picture of the castle in the background. For you in Malaysia, this castle is the one in XMen the movie. For me, it is memories of learning and working in a beautiful part of the world.
Not exactly a professional photo, but you can see the castle behind me, while I gaze into the laptop trying to figure out how to take a picture and somehow save it to the computer. THEN, actually load it here. I think I am brilliant.
Now that I am getting the hang of this technology - I will attempt to show you some pictures of the ferry trip over to Victoria. There should be a shot from Active Pass followed by a couple of ferry shots. If not, oh well.
here we are leaving Vancouver
Bloody cold, so a quick shot of Active Pass on the way to Victoria
Little Islands dot the way to Victoria
this is the uppermost deck on the ferry, just to give you in Malaysia an idea of the type of vessel we travel on from mainland to the island
PS I ate almost 1 pound of barbecued steak last night. Tried to consume the whole thing but even I could not do it. We will see what I can consume today.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
What else?
I can't even recall what I did today. I know I was busy. Jenn, kids and I were out - oh yes now I recall. They took Nana for a blood test, which I was trying hard to avoid. Levi assured me that it doesn't hurt, Nana. And it didn't either. Then before we came home this evening - a burger joint that has delightful lamb burgers on the menu. Levi and Nana shared some malt vinegar fries. Kolly ate 2 jars of baby food - and did not stop shaking with anticipation of the spoon in her mouth until the end of the second jar. Looks like no doubt she is related to me. Either a growth spurt or an eating disorder. hee hee
Getting ready for my 'cruise' to the island tomorrow morning. Never disappointed with that trip, so better now ready the little satchel for the journey. Laptop for the university, flash drive to bore my friends with pictures, and a change of clothing should suffice. And look out everyone - the appetite is on its way.
Getting ready for my 'cruise' to the island tomorrow morning. Never disappointed with that trip, so better now ready the little satchel for the journey. Laptop for the university, flash drive to bore my friends with pictures, and a change of clothing should suffice. And look out everyone - the appetite is on its way.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Food - what else?
Finally got the technology to cooperate with me. Seems I actually need Windows in order to have my blackberry desktop manager on the Mac, so back to the pc for me. I am not loading windows for that applications.
So, here are a couple of pictures from my short journey over to the Sunshine Coast. Cold Canadian weather was the experience, but nicely refreshing and beautifully crisp. Ry was right - we Canucks are built for seasons. But can't say I will complain going back to the heat soon either.
Jan and I built a nice little repas before I boarded the ferry on the trip back to Vancouver.
So, here are a couple of pictures from my short journey over to the Sunshine Coast. Cold Canadian weather was the experience, but nicely refreshing and beautifully crisp. Ry was right - we Canucks are built for seasons. But can't say I will complain going back to the heat soon either.
Jan and I built a nice little repas before I boarded the ferry on the trip back to Vancouver.
And, on my return it was the beginning of advent. Jennifer was wise enough to buy an advent calendar for Kollin - so of course she and Nana have to consume the delights for Kollin. Lindt truffles are very easy to take. A huge step up from the calendars Jenn and Ry used to get.
Levi, the keeper of the calendars was delighted. It was too late when I arrived back to eat a chocolate, so he didn't know about these treats until today. Which meant he was allowed to have 2. After dinner he thought it would be a good idea to open door number 3. Quite disappointed when he learned he now had to wait for ONE only each day until Christmas. I wonder if Uncle Ryan should talk with him. I recall Ry eating a whole week of chocolates and then carefully closing each door before I knew what he had done.
Leaving for another 'cruise' on Sunday. This time to Victoria. I will be sure to take some photos of that trip. It is a beautiful journey through the island and eventually arriving at the destination island. I will try to get a few pictures of the university too. A marvelous castle nestled in a forest on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
Yes there is a Santa Claus
I spent a bit of time on the Sunshine Coast with a friend this week. My goal in coming to Canada was to gather books for my travelling library in Malaysia. Wow, did I gather books! Jan brought me several from a friend on her return trip from Victoria. She ask contributed several herself. I managed to buy a few in Sechelt, so now have a total of 40+ books to bring back. Not sure how I am gonna do this, I am hoping that Air Canada will be generous considering the reason for the baggage. If not, I guess I pay the piper.
So, the magic of Christmas has spread its wings and given me exactly what I came here to find. I also think I have a great school on the coast that will take part in my pen pal program with Malaysian students. A perfect fit; I think, as both are rural rain forest schools.
As for photo uploads - if I could figure out how to load this blackberry desk top manager to the mac you would see none other than another feast at my friend's home before I journeyed back to Vancouver. But can't seem to figure out how to make these two devices to speak to each other. My time is not my own here, I am the nanny of sorts, so will have to figure out that stuff back in SE Asia. For now, you can see the beautiful sunset we watched while dining on cheeses, cold cuts, olives, and marinated veggies.
So, the magic of Christmas has spread its wings and given me exactly what I came here to find. I also think I have a great school on the coast that will take part in my pen pal program with Malaysian students. A perfect fit; I think, as both are rural rain forest schools.
As for photo uploads - if I could figure out how to load this blackberry desk top manager to the mac you would see none other than another feast at my friend's home before I journeyed back to Vancouver. But can't seem to figure out how to make these two devices to speak to each other. My time is not my own here, I am the nanny of sorts, so will have to figure out that stuff back in SE Asia. For now, you can see the beautiful sunset we watched while dining on cheeses, cold cuts, olives, and marinated veggies.
Not so shabby huh? Waterfront living here is quite spectacular.
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