VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sitting in the Hong Kong Airport

Ok, I got up in Vancouver at 5 am on December 27th. It is now December 28th and 8:15 pm in Hong Kong. I turned on my Blackberry which has refused to change to the time zone where it is presently living, so it told me it was 4:55 am.  Nice - I have been up for 24 hours now.   I just met a nice young lady who is going on the same flight as I am. She has been contracted to do the promotional footage for a legoland in Malaysia (just like Copenhagen Jenn). But she does not know where it will be.  Now that should entice you to to come to visit. I have her contact information so she will let me know when she knows where it will be.  I am shocked that Malaysia will be doing something like this, but glad too.  It might bring friends over here that have kiddos.

Sipping on a Starbucks Americano - they have real cream here in Hong Kong, not the little serving that the Singapore group sneaks out for me. So, I will sip on this to ensure that I d not fall asleep while waiting for the plane.  Not really sure what I am gonna do once in Singapore. It will be very late when I arrive, and then will have to trust that my luggage will be somewhere in Singapore airport for me to claim.  Then the lovely stuff for getting into that country, finding a hotel to sleep off this trip, and then finding a cab to take across the border when I awake.

There is so much duty free shopping one can do - I considered a Tanquary gin bottle but then discovered that the flight I got placed on is an American flight and they advised that NO DUTY FREE LIQUOR is allowed on the flight. You know their droplets of liquid rule in the USA.  So, no gin for this girl.  Better have that filtering system once I get home so I can distill my own.

Speaking of home - I wonder if Gordon and his buddies have taken that over.  I guess I will find that out soon enough.

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