VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, December 31, 2011

I wonder what rack of dog looks like

We gathered in JB for a New Year celebration at a restaurant that no one would admit to choosing. I know I didn't choose it. I was told we were going to one, and that based my decision to take part. However, somehow we went elsewhere.  My crew bases their decisions on prices.  But my thought is that if the price is over RM40 for a meal, it really should be good. This place was in the category of over the RM40, but the second part was seriously lacking.  Definitely will not be in my list of where to dine. I would have rather gone to Nando's and eaten chicken. One colleague had 'lamb chop'. It looked more like bits of meatish things covered with some sauce, and sliced like deli meat.  I felt safe in ordering rack of lamb, but in hindsight, I wonder if there is one less dog in Johor Barhru now.  The flavour and texture definitely was NOT lamb.  But then I had decided to try out vegetarianism now didn't I? Only six of us gathered for the event, but it was nice to tell each other what we did for the big vacation.  The plans to take in dancing and celebrations after dinner quickly faded and I was home by 11 pm.  I was glad - still recovering from the trip home.  Watched the New Year come in via TV and coverage in Singapore. I really must gather the energy to take that in one of these years. That bunch knows how to do it up big.  The fireworks were spectacular and the crowds were overwhelming.

With only three days left before back to work I will find a massage time and then just laze around the house.  No more shiny red glasses for this girl. I lost them on Christmas Eve somewhere in Canada. And being they were so flashy, someone there now owns them.  But, I was able to dash into the optometry shop before dinner last night and get a new pair made for me. No more flashy red ones available - they are now 'finish, finish'. But exactly same version in a flashy pink hue now adorn my face.  The nice lady put on a cord for me so hopefully these will be in my ownership for much longer than the reds.

Next big gathering for celebration will be Chinese New Year.  I already have my dragon to adorn my home for the Year of the Dragon. We had a glimpse of how the celebration unfolds last year, so this year I am looking forward to it.  I now begin scouting restaurants to make it memorable in a good way. I think we get a week off for that one, so January should be a gentle month for work and getting 'back in the saddle'.

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