VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, December 9, 2011

I Need Help

Ok, everyone. I have tried to contact Air Canada. You know those guys?? Well, I have amassed 44+ story books for the kids in Malaysia and now I want a break in taking them onboard with me. I have left an e-mail with Air Canada, with a reply from them advising I could wait up to several weeks for a reply (if at all). I did talk with a live person who was completely amused with the fact that I might want some assistance - a break in weight of books, so I am thinking I am up the creek on this one.

If any readers here can think of a way to get by this - I know other carriers will do a waive of costs, but really not sure I am going to find this with good old Air Canada, then please leave me a reply to this post or contact me with your ideas.  Maybe I could loiter around the airport and befriend one of the first class  passengers who does not use their full baggage allowance.  Funny how they seem to allot weights according to the price of the ticket. Those with the high priced tickets don't carry much with them. They just buy new stuff when they get to their destination.  I even thought if I handed out a story book to each passenger in the line to board the plane, I could collect them at the end of the journey and stuff them in my bags, jacket, pockets and whatever while deplaning. Probably won't go over too well with the stewardesses - they need to hand out their newspapers to the rich folk.


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