VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, December 8, 2011

on the ferry again

No pictures today. But words about the Island trip. I have the most wonderful friends anyone could want. I was completely indulged with my desire to eat my way through my vacation. I ended the trip with a stay at my friend Marie's place. She invited a few of my friends for dinner and we noshed on barbecued steaks, salad, and baked potatoes. Then, the next night she and I tucked into a fabulous leg of lamb.  Now on the ferry heading back to the mainland, I have a sack of steak slices, Cobbs's cape seed bread, and tomatoes to make a sandwich for the journey.  Maybe I will save it for the 'room food' back at the house with Jenn.  Maybe not.

I ran into one of the professors from RRU who said my name was the chatter at the school after I left. Not sure if it was  good chatter or otherwise. I am choosing to believe good - he did talk to me after all.  I will also be in contact with him regularly regarding a school in Malaysia.

Now laden with a pull along backpack, a loaner backpack from Jenn and a paper bag holding a Christmas present from Marie, I make my way through ferry patrons, then bus and sky train transport. Marie, being a doctor, always looks after my health. She purchased me a mini salad spinner to take home.  I can hardly wait to get back there to eat salads regularly. I must have eaten a whole field of lettuce in the past four days already. Guess that is why she felt the need to buy this for me.  In a climate of +35 on a daily basis, you would think there would be salad foods abundant at every corner. Not so. But now with the new 'water' purifier and salad spinner I could become the girl with the technology to make my home the place to gather.

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