VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Noshing along

Well, I think I have managed to nosh on all the delights I wanted to experience. I saw Jenn on her IPad this morning, while calling various numbers on her Blackberry. See clearly is a lady of 'today' and embraces the technology available. I now see why she has made certain that the wireless is faultless throughout the house.  Must be able to access the internet in all corners for all reasons. And today's reason was of interest to me. She was trying to find a Spolumbo's retailer in Vancouver.  Seems they have ceased selling to the various grocery retailers out here, and I had mentioned to Jenn that I could say the gastronomic tour was complete if I only had a Spolumbo.  I really don't need one, so told her to stop trying. If that is the only thing missing in my belly, I am doing very well. This morning I awoke to the intense desire to have a BLT. After I announced that one, Jenn kinda curled her lip and accepted my craving while I prepared the bacon cooking.  Ha.  She is her mother's daughter.  Two BLTs this morning, and I did not eat them both.

Today is completion of baking with Levi. Should be a rather messy event. Mince tarts, shortbread, and nanaimos are on the baking roster. We need to complete this chore before dinner, as a neighbour/friend is arriving to treat us to a 'prairie feast' of things I cannot spell.  Could all be described as something to ensure hardening of the arteries, strokes, and heart attacks on a plate.  All consumed with delightful amounts of melted butter, fried onions, and (I think) bits of bacon.  Bon Apetit

I wonder if plain rice will get rid of these spare tires I seem to be adding to my girth? If so, good think I own a rice cooker back home.  Eek - did I say home?

For now, I am gonna try to hide from the household and see what the heck I have accumulated to take back with me. So many books, and so little allowance thanks to Air Canada. Then there is the tin of sockeye for every second month indulgence, dijon mustard, and my new mac. AND the new little bag to carry the books. Not really sure if that was a real solution. Bought a luggage scale, so will now try to allot items to each bag and see what needs to be moved, removed, carried, or worn. Wish me luck.

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