VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Almost home

Spent the night in Changi Village Inn - a resort in Singapore.  Night would be a stretch.  I arrived here at 4:30 am after many problems with flights thanks to 'scare canada' as they are known to some. I think I have a driver arriving from KotaTinggi later today to pick me up and take me home. But his sms messages are a tad questionable, so we will see.

Looking out at the golf course and infinity pool off the breakfast room make me think this is a place I should make a habit of visiting.  If I shared the room with a colleague it could be a nice retreat when we have had enough at work.  A cab ride to the shopping that so many love to take part in is likely only about SD20.  Yes, this one is a keeper. I think this is where Ry stayed after our Thailand trip.

I spoke briefly with Levi this morning.  He was asking questions I could not answer. Wanting to know if someone would pick me up and as I said earlier, I am not really sure what the plan is, but I will go back to the room after I indulge myself with breakfast, have a bath, and then ready the bags for the rest of the journey.  And see if he actually shows up.

Once I lower the blood pressure I will write a scathing letter to Air Canada and ask them why they are not satisfied with selling a ticket to one person.  Seems they have decided that if they can sell one seat to one person, then over in this part of the world it would be fun to sell the same ticket to another person and make twice the money. Asian culture does not allow conflict, so they count on the riders to accept things as they are without a fight. They seem to have forgotten that everyone is not Asian. But I am too blistery right now to write anything comprehensible, so will cool off, go home, and then compose my rant.

Wish me luck. I still have to see if the old buggy will start after being idle for more than a month.  Another chapter of the Kota Tinggi express.

PS I ate chicken for breakfast. And a very nice salad.

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