Once again,my arms were laden with gifts as I left the training session. These were not even my own mentees. Oranges, cookies, and a beautiful silk bag came home with me tonight. Kind of makes working the long day I had today worthwhile.
Now tucking into the veggies I was given yesterday and then busy with reports until I collapse.
from the last few days in Canada and forward, you can join me in my thoughts and actions as I learn how to live in a country that I had not even known the exact location until Ryan was there a few years ago. Some days I have rants and other days I have adventures, but every day is a learning experience that I embrace and thank God I was given the opportunity to know and to be. I might even upload a picture of me in this place I now call home – for now.

VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Gifts keep flowing in my door
Ya's brother and daughter were back again this evening, Helloing at my gate again. Embarrassed, I went to the gate to see more gifts. This time - Jackfruit and MORE oranges. A whole bag of oranges!. Again, they would not come in; they would not sample the fruits with me either. So I told them that next weekend I would have them all over for tea. Now I have to figure out what the heck to serve them. They are Buddhist and vegetarian. I think vegan. So, what to make or buy? That is a treat? Help!
I was kinda thinking that I would be the bad western lady influence in their lives and buy chocolate truffles and that sort of thing. I guess I will ask around at the schools this week. And, Ya's daughter said her mother wants my phone number. So, I gave mine to her and took her mother's number as well. Seems I have been calling her Ya, and her name is actually Yeet. Close but no banana for that faux pas. Good grief these people are tolerant. Remember my chauffeur is named Momar, and I was calling him Zabri, and one of my old mentees is named Nor Azmi, and I called him Momazi for 6 months. I am sure they all get as good a laugh at me as I have chuckles over their pronunciation of my language.
As for the Jackfruit, I was nervous tasting it in front of them, but after the first aroma that was a bit pungent in the odd aroma, the taste is devine. Looking online, I found some pictures for you. I have never bought it because it looks like a close cousin to durian, and we all know about durian. The pictures also seem to show that it is sectioned into these little chunks much like durian. But that is where the similarity stops. Thank God. Online description is that these morsels are akin to chicken. And, you know what, it is kinda like raw chicken. Not at all taste wise, but texture and odd little rubbery shapes. The article goes on to show one of those lovely Asian presentations - little jackfruit boats with dates (I have figs) and pistachios inside. I will skip the honey. I think I will serve myself some of those tonight for an evening snack. Just happen to have dried figs and almonds in the fridge and a few pistachios too.
What the heck am I going to do when the New Year comes to an end? I am getting used to this generosity and education to new foods I had been unwilling to try before this.
I was kinda thinking that I would be the bad western lady influence in their lives and buy chocolate truffles and that sort of thing. I guess I will ask around at the schools this week. And, Ya's daughter said her mother wants my phone number. So, I gave mine to her and took her mother's number as well. Seems I have been calling her Ya, and her name is actually Yeet. Close but no banana for that faux pas. Good grief these people are tolerant. Remember my chauffeur is named Momar, and I was calling him Zabri, and one of my old mentees is named Nor Azmi, and I called him Momazi for 6 months. I am sure they all get as good a laugh at me as I have chuckles over their pronunciation of my language.
As for the Jackfruit, I was nervous tasting it in front of them, but after the first aroma that was a bit pungent in the odd aroma, the taste is devine. Looking online, I found some pictures for you. I have never bought it because it looks like a close cousin to durian, and we all know about durian. The pictures also seem to show that it is sectioned into these little chunks much like durian. But that is where the similarity stops. Thank God. Online description is that these morsels are akin to chicken. And, you know what, it is kinda like raw chicken. Not at all taste wise, but texture and odd little rubbery shapes. The article goes on to show one of those lovely Asian presentations - little jackfruit boats with dates (I have figs) and pistachios inside. I will skip the honey. I think I will serve myself some of those tonight for an evening snack. Just happen to have dried figs and almonds in the fridge and a few pistachios too.
What the heck am I going to do when the New Year comes to an end? I am getting used to this generosity and education to new foods I had been unwilling to try before this.
As usual, I have done some research with this little gem. Seems they can grow to a size of as much as 36 Kg in weight, 90 cm in length, and 50 cm in diameter.
I cannot visualize the dimensions - I am a foot and yard girl. But the Kg I can; only because I translate it to 2.2 pounds. Holy crow that is 79 pounds! Glad I was not hired here to harvest jackfruit.
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Jackfruit
- Being rich in potassium, jackfruit has been found to be helpful in the lowering of blood pressure.
- The extract of Jackfruit root is believed to help cure fever as well as diarrhea.
- Jackfruit contains phytonutrients, with health benefits ranging from anti-cancer to antihypertensive.
- The root of this fruit has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from asthma.
- Jackfruit proves to be a very good source of vitamin C, which is known for its high antioxidant properties.
- The fruit contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all of which are credited for their cancer-fighting properties.
- Jackfruit is known to contain anti-ulcer properties and is also good for those suffering from indigestion.
- Boasting of anti-ageing properties, the fruit can help slow down the degeneration of cells and make the skin look young and supple.
- Jackfruit serves as a good supply of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, for the human body.
- It is believed that the fruit can help prevent and treat tension and nervousness.
- Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.
- If you are suffering from constipation, regular consumption of the fruit will surely prove beneficial.
- The root of jackfruit is said to be good for the treatment of a number of skin problems.
Guess what is going in my smoothie thing tomorrow!
Rounding out New Year Break
After a hair trim and best ever hair wash; I was sent home with a bundle of tsai pi xi and choy sum to stir fry for my dinner tonight. I am clearly being well fed by my Chinese friends here.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
恭禧發財 Gong Xi Fa Cai
For those of you, like myself, the character above are written in Mandarin, and mean Happy New Year.
I have been so fortunate in having many new friends here in Malaysia who are Chinese and celebrate this event by travelling home to their villages for a week of family gathering, festive foods, and appreciation of what they have and who they have in their lives.
All of these new friends have dropped into my home, either before, or upon returning home from the holiday. Every Chinese retailer I have shopped at has provided me with Mandarin oranges, fresh, juicy, and in season right now. I tend to eat only seasonal fruits that are in season where I am living. Now I know why. These oranges, as I have said in the past are incredible. I have stuffed my face on dozens of them, and never purchased any. The generosity I have experienced is overwhelming.
Most recently, my neighbours next door who tended my garden while I was away, came to my locked gate, obviously hearing Vivaldi playing on my stereo, while I was preparing to have a shower after hours of errand running and shopping. I heard a voice calling "Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, and so on, until I realized that the Hello was targeted at me. Looking out to the gate, I could see Ya's brother and her daughter standing at the gate with several shiny red bags, with huge grins on their faces. I unlocked the gate, and both passed the bags to me and bowed; saying Happy New Year in English to me. I was so touched, I wanted to hug them, but instead, followed their lead with a bow to them. Ya's daughter beamed when I did this, so clearly, I did the right thing. Asking them to come in, they waved no, no, and retreated to their own home. Once indoors, I looked in the bags, and here is what I was given. The bag is filled with something - not sure what, wrapped in origami style red paper. I think they are some kind of nutty confection. Looks good!
I have been so fortunate in having many new friends here in Malaysia who are Chinese and celebrate this event by travelling home to their villages for a week of family gathering, festive foods, and appreciation of what they have and who they have in their lives.
All of these new friends have dropped into my home, either before, or upon returning home from the holiday. Every Chinese retailer I have shopped at has provided me with Mandarin oranges, fresh, juicy, and in season right now. I tend to eat only seasonal fruits that are in season where I am living. Now I know why. These oranges, as I have said in the past are incredible. I have stuffed my face on dozens of them, and never purchased any. The generosity I have experienced is overwhelming.
Most recently, my neighbours next door who tended my garden while I was away, came to my locked gate, obviously hearing Vivaldi playing on my stereo, while I was preparing to have a shower after hours of errand running and shopping. I heard a voice calling "Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, and so on, until I realized that the Hello was targeted at me. Looking out to the gate, I could see Ya's brother and her daughter standing at the gate with several shiny red bags, with huge grins on their faces. I unlocked the gate, and both passed the bags to me and bowed; saying Happy New Year in English to me. I was so touched, I wanted to hug them, but instead, followed their lead with a bow to them. Ya's daughter beamed when I did this, so clearly, I did the right thing. Asking them to come in, they waved no, no, and retreated to their own home. Once indoors, I looked in the bags, and here is what I was given. The bag is filled with something - not sure what, wrapped in origami style red paper. I think they are some kind of nutty confection. Looks good!
Bon Apetit!
I have already eaten two of the oranges from this bundle. Better leave something so I can have them all over for tea and treats during the next month.
(only one more month of New Year celebrations left here)
For those like myself, the Gong Xi Fa Cai is pronounced Gong Hey Fat Choy, in Mandarin, which is the language spoken here. That is what I read online. However, I do know that Xi is pronounced chi, so, I would think and have heard this actually pronounced: Gong Chi Fa Choy!
For those even more curious: Gong Xi (恭禧) is congratulations or respectfully wishing one joy.
Fa Cai (發財) is to become rich or to make money.
Now I know 3 Mandarin 'words'. I know how to order bok choy, (which I think is spelled Chuai pi xi) properly here, and now have added these two others. Slow and steady huh?
Friday, January 27, 2012
Shoes for Baja
Not exactly a shopping trip to a shoe store, but the glee of trying on and wearing new shoes is clear in these photos.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Saki came and left like the wind
It as so fun to have her here, although the visit was brief. We went to the waterfalls, did a few tours around the area, had roti pisang at Rosemerah, and talked late into the night every night. She has now moved on to K.L. to discover that part of Malaysia before flying back to Taiwan where she is working for a while. We made plans for me to visit her there before she returns to Japan in May. We will see - I hope I can motivated to take the trip.
Saki was as fascinated as I am each time I watch the roti pisang man toss and stretch the roti in preparation for the treat we had.
Saki heading toward the falls
Saki's bus heading for K.L. (passing my street) to complete her Malaysian tour
On her last night here, we had sushi and wakame for hors d'oeuvres, followed by coconut green Thai curry chicken, which we prepared together. She even ate my rice! Nice for both of us; we gobbled up the food together. And of course, the signature g & t to ward off malaria.
Internet not being nice
I have some nice pictures from the waterfalls, but internet is not getting along with me today.
Will try again tomorrow.
Will try again tomorrow.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Year of The Dragon and ME - or more drivel
I am always fascinated with the Chinese Horoscope and New Year forecasts. I am an Ox, and reading further, I seem to be an Earth Ox. For those that know me, you can see how accurate the description of me is with what follows.
Obstinate, Pouty, Truthful, Motivated, Friendly, Apathetic, Genuine, Quick-tempered
I am taking the next writing as a bit of a compliment after seeing a few of the less than flattering characteristics I posses.
The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen are show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealings. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it become overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends.
One statement for the forecast this year drew my attention. Guess it is because I do tend to say things as they are and quit ignoring the 'elephant' in the living room.
Obstinate, Pouty, Truthful, Motivated, Friendly, Apathetic, Genuine, Quick-tempered
I am taking the next writing as a bit of a compliment after seeing a few of the less than flattering characteristics I posses.
The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen are show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealings. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it become overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends.
One statement for the forecast this year drew my attention. Guess it is because I do tend to say things as they are and quit ignoring the 'elephant' in the living room.
Our friend, the Ox will push us forward mercilessly, to make us face the realities of our existence, the shape of things as they really are.
take a look at the various sites for Chinese Horoscopes for your own sign and predictions - if you feel like it.
Yes, yesterday was New Year's Day
I took to my bed early, after the raucous display of fireworks that entertained me the night before. At 11 pm I was again jolted out of my bed to the hissing, sizzling, and blasting of yet another display of fire in the sky. As I recall, last year, on the day I moved into my house, there was such a blast of fireworks I was convinced we were being invaded by enemies. Sadly, for me, the date was Februrary 15th. It is now only January 24th. So does that mean I have three more weeks of this? Probably.
I am enjoying the break. Many colleagues dashed off on flights, road trips, and boarder crossings in the quest to spend money quickly on the one week break. I have opted to stay home, regroup, and get ready for the weeks ahead at work. I amaze myself at what little I have produced. I spent the entire day in front of the television two days ago - watching anything English. There are many documentaries on the news channel which catch my eye, but they tend to repeat themselves frequently. I even re-watched those. In a fashion, I did multi task, and got a lot of paper sorting done, schedules filed, and laundry washed. Then yesterday, a friend dropped in at noon and we realized we had sat and drank coffee and tea for five hours - not moving from out chairs except to refill our cups. Today I need to be a bit more productive. I have a friend arriving for a few days, from Taiwan. She is from Japan, and wants to see my part of the world. Could be a bit difficult - everyone is still on vacation here due to the new year. So, waterfalls and beaches come to mind for that showing. And maybe a drive to one of my schools so she can see what they look like in Malaysia.
Now to override the procrastination I just might create my two week schedule for when I return to work. Not an easy task, which is why I have been resisting doing this. Trying to schedule visits with 25 people in 5 locations is not the easiest thing to do. Having to take into account that each of these 25 people have schedules of their own that do not mesh with others, plus factoring in travel time to each place makes it a bit of a rubric cube to plan. Well, I do like puzzles, so I guess I will just approach it like a game.
I am enjoying the break. Many colleagues dashed off on flights, road trips, and boarder crossings in the quest to spend money quickly on the one week break. I have opted to stay home, regroup, and get ready for the weeks ahead at work. I amaze myself at what little I have produced. I spent the entire day in front of the television two days ago - watching anything English. There are many documentaries on the news channel which catch my eye, but they tend to repeat themselves frequently. I even re-watched those. In a fashion, I did multi task, and got a lot of paper sorting done, schedules filed, and laundry washed. Then yesterday, a friend dropped in at noon and we realized we had sat and drank coffee and tea for five hours - not moving from out chairs except to refill our cups. Today I need to be a bit more productive. I have a friend arriving for a few days, from Taiwan. She is from Japan, and wants to see my part of the world. Could be a bit difficult - everyone is still on vacation here due to the new year. So, waterfalls and beaches come to mind for that showing. And maybe a drive to one of my schools so she can see what they look like in Malaysia.
Now to override the procrastination I just might create my two week schedule for when I return to work. Not an easy task, which is why I have been resisting doing this. Trying to schedule visits with 25 people in 5 locations is not the easiest thing to do. Having to take into account that each of these 25 people have schedules of their own that do not mesh with others, plus factoring in travel time to each place makes it a bit of a rubric cube to plan. Well, I do like puzzles, so I guess I will just approach it like a game.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I Think today is New Year's Day
I have asked everyone when New Year's Eve or New Year's Day is and get the same answer. So, I am not really clear which is today. However, with the racket last night at midnight that bounced me out of my bed, I think today is New Year's Day. I have to admit, the fireworks were spectacular last night. It was like July 1st in Canada. I believe the river runs behind the jungle across from me, and some ambitious locals put on a great show all along the waterway, and high into the sky. It brings to mind my first night in this house. I was sure we were being attacked, with the racket, fire, and smoke that ensued after I hit my pillow on the floor.
This is the day I have been looking forward to. If the pattern is anything like Hari Raya, then traffic should be non existent anywhere in Malaysia. Everyone is back to their villages, celebrating the arrival of 2012 with family. The streets should be empty. Also means nothing will be open either, but I just like knowing that it will not take me an hour to get to downtown if I feel like going there. I also think that tomorrow will be the same, with shops and services closed as well. My friend arrives tomorrow, so I better put on my thinking cap and figure out where I will take her to see the culture and highlights of my home for now. Not a lot of time to present this; she is only planning a two day visit. So, I better be good at selecting activities that give her a good overview.
I have to say, although I get to my limit of patience with the drivers on the road at these times here; it is refreshing to see that all these celebrations do not come with hoards of drunken drivers like elsewhere in the western world. Getting back to family, far across a small country, that has inconsistent, and less than perfect road systems is the biggest challenge they face here. And that frantic need to get to those places is what causes the road congestion and frustration around here.
This is the day I have been looking forward to. If the pattern is anything like Hari Raya, then traffic should be non existent anywhere in Malaysia. Everyone is back to their villages, celebrating the arrival of 2012 with family. The streets should be empty. Also means nothing will be open either, but I just like knowing that it will not take me an hour to get to downtown if I feel like going there. I also think that tomorrow will be the same, with shops and services closed as well. My friend arrives tomorrow, so I better put on my thinking cap and figure out where I will take her to see the culture and highlights of my home for now. Not a lot of time to present this; she is only planning a two day visit. So, I better be good at selecting activities that give her a good overview.
I have to say, although I get to my limit of patience with the drivers on the road at these times here; it is refreshing to see that all these celebrations do not come with hoards of drunken drivers like elsewhere in the western world. Getting back to family, far across a small country, that has inconsistent, and less than perfect road systems is the biggest challenge they face here. And that frantic need to get to those places is what causes the road congestion and frustration around here.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
gong xi fa cai
Today is the day that has been the cause of insane traffic everywhere, long lineups for everything, and gifts of Mandarin oranges presented to me constantly. Now, I have to say, I do love these Mandarin oranges. As my family knows, I can't stand them at home. But I think that they must have sent all the ones unsuitable to North America, and saved these juicy, sweet delights for themselves. I have been eating them constantly. Much bigger, juicer, and sweeter than any I have ever consumed in the past.
The year of the dragon is said to bring prosperity and good health to anyone who has a dragon in their home. Maybe some couples might interpret this as the 'wife'. I, on the other hand have bought some little dragons, while I was stranded in Hong Kong, and have been giving them out to my Chinese friends when I see them. Now I guess it is time to hang one in my own in my house, assuring the prosperity and good health promised. And of course as a back up, I could always dress up Gordon in a dragon suit and consider him my token dragon too. I am not sure he would sit still long enough for the fitting, but he is close enough in my mind to look like a mini dragon just as he is.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Great Support for the Library
I have a wonderful friend in Canada who has organized a project to build on the library here. She and some others are taking a cycling trip in this part of the world, and will bring more books with them. With the ones I collected in Canada recently (not yet here) we will have well over 100 books for these hungry little readers. Belief and focus have turned this little collection of 20 books to this new status. Thanks everyone!
We welcome Jan to her first Pursuits trip.
Jan has brought forth a project that we found both
inspirational and appealing and we wanted to share
it with you. Jan has a friend (formerly of Regina)
working in rural Malaysia, setting up a travelling
library for children. The organization has very
limited access to good children’s books and
currently has built a library of only 20 books.
We feel we can double the size of the library by bringing a few books along. Jan is continuing on to Malaysia after our Pursuits trip and is prepared to ship or take the books with her. She wanted us to stress that the books do not have to be new. If you want to participate and have some room in your suitcase, bring along one or more books from the suggested list.
Here is the message from Jan’s friend in Malaysia:
“Having students want to read, and not have to read is the approach I have taken. It has been successful with the schools I have been working with so far. Even the very remote schools where I was the only white person they have ever seen, students are cheering, clapping and chanting the words from the previous book I read to them when they see me arrive. They not only know the words of the book, but understand what they are saying as well...Any of these, or ANY DR. SEUSS book would be received with gratitude. There is no problem with duplicates. It just means more children can have access to more books.”
We feel we can double the size of the library by bringing a few books along. Jan is continuing on to Malaysia after our Pursuits trip and is prepared to ship or take the books with her. She wanted us to stress that the books do not have to be new. If you want to participate and have some room in your suitcase, bring along one or more books from the suggested list.
Here is the message from Jan’s friend in Malaysia:
“Having students want to read, and not have to read is the approach I have taken. It has been successful with the schools I have been working with so far. Even the very remote schools where I was the only white person they have ever seen, students are cheering, clapping and chanting the words from the previous book I read to them when they see me arrive. They not only know the words of the book, but understand what they are saying as well...Any of these, or ANY DR. SEUSS book would be received with gratitude. There is no problem with duplicates. It just means more children can have access to more books.”
Here is a list to get you started.
All Aboard the Circus McGurkus
And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street Bartholomew and The Ooblek
Fox in Socks
Gerald McBoing Boing
Great Day for Up
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day
Horton Hatches the Egg
Horton Hears a Who
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew
In a People House
The Kings Stilts
The Lorax
Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now
My Book About Me
Oh the Thinks You Can Think
Oh Say Can You Say
Oh the Places You’ll Go
Scrambled Eggs Super
Six By Seuss
The Sneeches and Other Stories
Sneeches on Beaches
Seussism For Success
There’s a Wocket in My Pocket
The Tooth Book
Wacky Wednesday
Wet Pet My Pet Your Pet My Pet
Yertle the Turtle
Teaching With Favorite Dr Seuss Books - By Joan Novelli (This is not a Seuss book, but a teaching supplement. Would help the mentees use the Seuss books effectively. If you find it , please get it to me!)
Shannon & Rita
All Aboard the Circus McGurkus
And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street Bartholomew and The Ooblek
Fox in Socks
Gerald McBoing Boing
Great Day for Up
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day
Horton Hatches the Egg
Horton Hears a Who
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew
In a People House
The Kings Stilts
The Lorax
Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now
My Book About Me
Oh the Thinks You Can Think
Oh Say Can You Say
Oh the Places You’ll Go
Scrambled Eggs Super
Six By Seuss
The Sneeches and Other Stories
Sneeches on Beaches
Seussism For Success
There’s a Wocket in My Pocket
The Tooth Book
Wacky Wednesday
Wet Pet My Pet Your Pet My Pet
Yertle the Turtle
Teaching With Favorite Dr Seuss Books - By Joan Novelli (This is not a Seuss book, but a teaching supplement. Would help the mentees use the Seuss books effectively. If you find it , please get it to me!)
Shannon & Rita
If you’d like to participate, bring a book with you.
Almost the weekend
Driving today was back to crazy land. It came close to drivers during Ramadan and Hari Raya. What normally takes me about 35 - 45 minutes to get to a school took me 2 hours this morning. Then, returning homeward to facilitate a TPD along the way, it was an hour journey, that should have been 20 minutes maximum. I am dreading tomorrow morning - the last day I will drive in this New Year frantic pace. I will hold up in my nest, lock the gate and stay away from the world for a couple of days until the dust settles around this one.
Just watched a news special on Indonesia's consumption of rice. Although they are the world's 3rd largest producer of rice, they still have to import about the same amount. Don't think I will go over to Indonesia for a meal. I can guess what is on the menu.
That is about as interesting as my day was today. Might be able to entertain you tomorrow, when I have a sense of humour knowing I again have a week long break beginning tomorrow.
Just watched a news special on Indonesia's consumption of rice. Although they are the world's 3rd largest producer of rice, they still have to import about the same amount. Don't think I will go over to Indonesia for a meal. I can guess what is on the menu.
That is about as interesting as my day was today. Might be able to entertain you tomorrow, when I have a sense of humour knowing I again have a week long break beginning tomorrow.
Monday, January 16, 2012
For those I did not see in Canada, I am sorry
I know that I was excited about rekindling friendships back home on my recent journey there. But, the 35 days I had here were a blur. If you were in earshot of me and I had a minute, we got to play. If not, it did not happen.
What I did have there was a warm inviting circle of family that embraced my presence like a child holding a teddy bear. I was covered in drooling kisses, outstretched arms, and books in my hands. Occasional actual conversations with the mother of these little beauties even happened. And the few people that took time from their own lives to entertain me and take me into their homes, I thank all of you. For the ones that the time did not work out for us, I will be back. And for all of you, please come to visit me here. I now know what it feels like when I keep asking for someone to come to visit and it falls on deaf ears because the journey is too great to undertake. But my offer is sincere. I would love to see any of you here in my home so I can share what I know and experience in this wonderful land I briefly call home.
Today after work I am entertaining some local friends I have in my life. We are having tea together along with a chocolate cake one brought to me yesterday and was too polite or too shy to come in at that time. Since coming home I have had several new friends drop in to welcome me back. I did not realize that I have that sort of relationship with local people, and love knowing that I do. Fitting in here is what this journey is all about.
Now off to work in the 'better' car. I am kind of hoping they lose my old one and forget what they have given me now.
What I did have there was a warm inviting circle of family that embraced my presence like a child holding a teddy bear. I was covered in drooling kisses, outstretched arms, and books in my hands. Occasional actual conversations with the mother of these little beauties even happened. And the few people that took time from their own lives to entertain me and take me into their homes, I thank all of you. For the ones that the time did not work out for us, I will be back. And for all of you, please come to visit me here. I now know what it feels like when I keep asking for someone to come to visit and it falls on deaf ears because the journey is too great to undertake. But my offer is sincere. I would love to see any of you here in my home so I can share what I know and experience in this wonderful land I briefly call home.
Today after work I am entertaining some local friends I have in my life. We are having tea together along with a chocolate cake one brought to me yesterday and was too polite or too shy to come in at that time. Since coming home I have had several new friends drop in to welcome me back. I did not realize that I have that sort of relationship with local people, and love knowing that I do. Fitting in here is what this journey is all about.
Now off to work in the 'better' car. I am kind of hoping they lose my old one and forget what they have given me now.
Johor Premium Outlet Mall
Well, everyone seems to be flocking to this new mall. We set out late in the afternoon to see how to find it, as the only information we could find was GPS coordinates. Seems that the coordinates given in the online document were a bit 'off'. But then, why would we be surprised? Joining the traffic jam of all times, we muddled our way there; a couple of times passing by; but unable to enter because there was no off ramp. Finally, after another toll road entrance, we asked at the booth - 'how do we get into the new mall?" Answer was, just take this 'off road' beyond our booth, and follow the road. It worked. But really, it was like a giant loop around a couple of highways - good thing there is lots of land to waste on getting into a mall. It was configured much like a turn off to any other street or road, but it took in several kilometres in order to complete the journey. Finally at the destination, we joined the shoppers and saw what was there to offer all of us.
It felt much like Palm Springs - palm trees, cobbled paths, and upscale retailers with very nice properties. Had a frozen caramel coffee drink and began our tour. Here are a couple of pictures to see what we saw.
It felt much like Palm Springs - palm trees, cobbled paths, and upscale retailers with very nice properties. Had a frozen caramel coffee drink and began our tour. Here are a couple of pictures to see what we saw.
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This is the main area as you arrive - very upscale for the 'hood' |
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Who the Heck Needs a Gym?
When you work at this place, a gym membership is not necessary. I went to a classroom that was at the top of these series of stairs, and the classroom was on the top (3rd) floor of the uppermost building. I haven't done that climb for a few months, but if I keep it up, I should be able to stay fit enough to continue wearing the dress in the previous photo.
Here is what some do on a daily basis; several times a day climbing and descending throughout the day.
Here is what some do on a daily basis; several times a day climbing and descending throughout the day.
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I didn't bother counting these - breathing was more on my mind at that time. |
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I already look and feel better - started a new diet!
After indulging myself back home, decided to fire up the new mini blender and now make a breakfast drink that has done miracles. Only one day, and look at the difference!
The school staff took my picture when I arrived today because the gate keeper didn't recognize me. My hair really grew too!
The school staff took my picture when I arrived today because the gate keeper didn't recognize me. My hair really grew too!
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Maybe I was a bit overdressed |
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Wicked Wiki
I am a wicked wiki woman. I cannot believe my ability to develop this little gem. I am not exactly a techno-queen, so being able to put all this together and entice others to join makes me wonder what I have become. You have to appreciate the fact that internet flits in and out of my reach each second I try to connect. So add that to the mixture of not really knowing what I am doing makes it quite a coup for me to put on my resume of life.
By making this site, inviting the mentees there, and getting them join, to upload, and download, we have fulfilled the technical training portion of my job as a mentor. I wonder what the other mentors are doing about that section? Maybe I will have to share with them too. Nice to be at a school where the internet is flowing smoothly (for now). I have managed to coach one of the mentees on the ins and outs of the site without a disconnection.
Maybe IT specialist can be checked off in the next job application.
By making this site, inviting the mentees there, and getting them join, to upload, and download, we have fulfilled the technical training portion of my job as a mentor. I wonder what the other mentors are doing about that section? Maybe I will have to share with them too. Nice to be at a school where the internet is flowing smoothly (for now). I have managed to coach one of the mentees on the ins and outs of the site without a disconnection.
Maybe IT specialist can be checked off in the next job application.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Random Messages are Very Inspiring
One of my schools has random messages posted throughout the school and throughout the school grounds. Looking upon on these words uplifts one's spirit. What a nice way to walk through the halls and corridors. These ones are along the parking area where I park my car each time I am there. There are more throughout the outer corridors of the school that inspire and give that wonderful subliminal message to those passing through.
As for dinner tonight - still gnawing on the chicken breast. I have taken that wonderful high speed blender from Jenn and beaten the heck out of garlic and ginger, and now marinating bits of chicken which will be cooked Japanese style fried chicken, with a salad on side, cleaned with the new magic salad spinner from Marie. That should tidy up the rest of that little slab of meat. Recipe - compliments of Kaore. Thanks Jenn. Thanks Kaore. Thanks Marie.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Tidied up the old girl today
I was sprung from the house so took advantage of getting some food in the house for the week and then a hair trim after that excursion. They always make my hair look so darn good, but I never seem to make it home with it looking like it did when I left the shop. Either serious humidity to frizz it into a pompom or just enough of a rain to do likewise. Today it was the rain. I didn't even notice it was raining when I came out of the shop. It was such a fine mist, but still enough to make me have 'big hair'.
So, as promised, here is a picture of the old girl. I have to do it now - because the next civilized photo will be the next haircut. And God only knows what weather that day will bring. Also wearing the new 'pink specs'. Could no longer get them in red - they are 'finish, finish'. If you are in Vancouver and see someone wearing a red version of these, accost them and rip them off their face. They are mine. I lost them and they are not something you would find over there. I will pay the postage. Well. Maybe not. I bought them because I could always find them. But then, the falling off my neck string was not something I considered. It was the bright colour that made them findable.
So, as promised, here is a picture of the old girl. I have to do it now - because the next civilized photo will be the next haircut. And God only knows what weather that day will bring. Also wearing the new 'pink specs'. Could no longer get them in red - they are 'finish, finish'. If you are in Vancouver and see someone wearing a red version of these, accost them and rip them off their face. They are mine. I lost them and they are not something you would find over there. I will pay the postage. Well. Maybe not. I bought them because I could always find them. But then, the falling off my neck string was not something I considered. It was the bright colour that made them findable.
OK, so the hair is beginning to frizz. But a far cry from how I coif it myself.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Longans for me
I took myself to the Kota Tinggi wet market this morning and opted for the longans there. A good sales man offered a taste because I was not familiar with these little gems. They sell them by the kg - and the featured price is 3 kg for a certain amount. I never want that quantity - my fridge is small and there is way too much fruit for me to consume. But they always find a way around this. I chose a small clump of them, they grow a bit like grapes. He weighed them and then somehow, as usual, when I got home, there were two large clumps in the bag, both of which I paid for, but not what I wanted. Oh, well, I guess I will be healthy. I just have to make sure to eat them all. I went online to see what I bought and why it was a good purchase. Not disappointed with the results. I thought they were familiar, my student in Victoria served these gems to me when I would tutored her. She was from Shanghai, and could only tell me the name was dragon's eye. I liked them there, and I like them here too. I guess the salesman saw a client that needed all the benefits of this delight I now have.
For anyone interested, here are the facts:

For anyone interested, here are the facts:
Facts about Longans
Indigenous to India and China, longan fruit is a
significant crop in Southeast Asian countries. The longan is botanically known
as Euphoria longan. The Chinese called it "Dragon's eye" due
to its eye-shaped mark around the pit. The fruit with its cousin, the lychee
were brought to the US by W. N. Brewster, who was a missionary in Fujian
Province, China. Not successful in cool climates, the tropical tree is usually
used as an ornamental tree. It yields beautiful thick dark green leaves
together with groups of drooping fruit. Fairly majestic and completely
gorgeous, the tree currently grows in the United States. As there is an
on-going demand for niche fruits in the US, appropriate weather in Florida is
likely to help produce longan fruit commercially.
Different in size from a small plum to an olive
and ovoid to spherical in shape, longans feature a thin, brown shell known as a
pericarp protecting its grayish-white clear pulp. In the middle of the
succulent flesh is a big sleek jet-black seed having a white ovoid feature
mark. With a flesh similar to a peeled grape, the taste is incredibly sweet and
frequently known as a special tasting combination of gardenia, spruce and musk.
Health Benefits of Eating Longans
• The
fresh, delicious and sweet longans contain more health advantages than what we
know. Among the lesser-known benefits of longans is they helps prevent any type
of stomach ache, infections and improve immune system as well.
• This
cousin of lychee can do miracles to your nerves and therefore are recommended
as an anti-depressant. Furthermore they contain a relaxing effect on the
nervous system, they are proven to enhance nerve function, lower irritability
and reduce fatigue. Longans also are able to treat neurasthenic neurosis and
• Longans
can improve wound healing as well as increase longevity. It helps
combat the free radicals within your body and keep the cells from damage.
Furthermore, the fruit helps reduce the risk of some types of cancer and also
improve cell creation.
• Longans
help replenish blood and therefore are superb remedy for anemia. Also,
they are able to increase iron assimilation in human body.
• The
fruit is said to benefit heart health as well. By cutting down stress
and fatigue, they offer relief in heart disease and play an important role to
maintain the blood pressure.
• Fresh
longans help create miracles for your skin as well. They are known to contain anti-ageing
effect and are proven to improve skin health. The fruit is particularly
identified to benefit the delicate skin close to the eyes, minimize peeling and
cracking of skin and therefore enhance your complexion.
This delicious, sweet fruit may benefit eyesight,
treat teeth and gums problems and oral cracks and sores
Longan Nutrition and Calories
Nutrition Facts of 1 Longan Fruit (3.2 g)
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Total Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber
Looks like magic does't it? Maybe consuming the bag full will help to stop my allergic reaction to my 'allergy bracelet'! I might also become much younger looking too.
what happened on Saturday
And still I wait. For the elusive sticker for my car. But I have used my waiting time well. Many
files uploaded to my new wiki, whenever the Internet rears it’s ugly head and
lets me in. And, foraging through my
pantry and freezer to find what there is to prepare for the evening meal. Which brings me to this entry. I created a rather fine repast from what was
here. I defrosted a little mound –
probably about 1/3 of a boneless chicken breast and wielded my handy cleaver
over some dried apricots and fresh garlic.
Sautéed these little bits in a splash of oil and then sprinkled the mass
with enough ground cinnamon and turmeric to change the colour to a rich golden
reddish hue. Then a dash of water –
maybe a cup or so and left it to bubble while the handy dandy rice cooker
steamed some brown fragrant rice and barley mixture. Before you turn you nose up at this, try it.
It was actually company fare. So,
if you are resistant to this one, better not visit me. There are even leftovers for tomorrow. I don’t understand why I feel the need to
consume an entire chicken breast when I barbecue one and yet this little bit of
food was more than enough. All washed
down with some g & t that I distilled in the Brita to avoid any further
headaches caused by the local product. And it works. And best of all - the Schwepps lid broke so it only trickles out of the can - meaning it won't go flat in the fridge.
Now should not waste this precious internet time. Better get back to the wiki.
Friday, January 6, 2012
weekend breakfast delivery
Just before 8 am I heard the electronic gate open next door. Ya, my neighbour was returning home and stopped to call on me. Carrying a small package, she greeted me with 'good morning' and a breakfast offering from somewhere that she picked up on her morning travels. Vegetarian burger. I am sure that looking at my size, she felt that I needed two, so two were in the package. Then, just as quickly as she arrived, she was gone. I thanked her warmly during her exit to her own home.
I am going to have to find out where the heck she found them. I am sure she did not go to JB early in the morning, and these things were mighty tasty. I only ate one, it was satisfying enough. Will put the other on hold - maybe for lunch if I am still hold up here waiting for the 'sticker'. I think perhaps more mayo than I would have chosen was supplied but she was probably again thinking of my North American appetite. All in all it was a tasty treat. And somehow served on a bun that was very much familiar to me. Not one of those latex sponge things you find the in the grocery shops.
One of the gifts I gave her for tending my garden was a hibiscus that was flowering like crazy. She was apprehensive about taking it, and kind of backed away from it. After talking about it, she told me she was only comfortable tending green plants and did not know much about flowering plants. Before I left, I told her to plant it on the roadway so that everyone could enjoy it and she would not have to be responsible for its care. I know that hibiscus plants grow wild here so planting it there would require no attention from people, and we could all enjoy the blossoms. My own apparently flowered continuously while I was away and she tended it for me. So, now home, I have taken my own out to the roadway too. Now I need to find a shovel to plant it. I think we need to share what we have and let everyone enjoy the beauty together. Besides, mine is getting a bit frail being cooped up on the patio. You can tell it wants to break out and be free. And Ya's is like a small tree already - so she chose the new location very well.
You can hear me grumble about Kota Tinggi here on this blog, but given a choice (which I have) I would choose living in Kota Tinggi over JB any day. When shop keepers in JB ask me where I live, they are shocked to know that I travel from Kota Tinggi on a daily basis. The distance is only about 30 Km right down to the southern border. But here, local is normal. These guys have subscribed to the fashionable 100 mile diet for decades and I don't see it changing any time soon. Yes, there are conveniences in JB that I cannot find here, but the peace, tranquility, safety, and community I experience here overrides any things I can find in a bigger city. I have made some wonderful friends and have lovely neighbours here that I may be able to find in JB too, but I would be living in a high rise there and a patio garden would not be an option. Watching my elderly neighbour speed walking by each morning would not happen, watching the various new residents who have moved in down the road walking their way to the factory work would not be an option, and watching the neighbourhood children riding their bikes and playing games would also not be an option. It is interesting that a year ago my colleagues kind of felt sorry for me being stuck in the boonies, while they took over leases in high rise condos with pools and gyms. I have none of that, but what I have I would not change - at least not right now. None of them have a neighbour bringing them a veggie burger for breakfast. In fact, they do not know their neighbours. As long as I have patience to drive to downtown on a Saturday after 11am, waiting in the long line of traffic to cross the only bridge, then I fit in. Once a week taking almost an hour to drive a distance of 3 km is not really a hardship. Maybe I exaggerate a bit on the time, but it really is out of proportion to the distance travelled. At least I have a car to drive the trip. Many locals use their feet.
I am going to have to find out where the heck she found them. I am sure she did not go to JB early in the morning, and these things were mighty tasty. I only ate one, it was satisfying enough. Will put the other on hold - maybe for lunch if I am still hold up here waiting for the 'sticker'. I think perhaps more mayo than I would have chosen was supplied but she was probably again thinking of my North American appetite. All in all it was a tasty treat. And somehow served on a bun that was very much familiar to me. Not one of those latex sponge things you find the in the grocery shops.
One of the gifts I gave her for tending my garden was a hibiscus that was flowering like crazy. She was apprehensive about taking it, and kind of backed away from it. After talking about it, she told me she was only comfortable tending green plants and did not know much about flowering plants. Before I left, I told her to plant it on the roadway so that everyone could enjoy it and she would not have to be responsible for its care. I know that hibiscus plants grow wild here so planting it there would require no attention from people, and we could all enjoy the blossoms. My own apparently flowered continuously while I was away and she tended it for me. So, now home, I have taken my own out to the roadway too. Now I need to find a shovel to plant it. I think we need to share what we have and let everyone enjoy the beauty together. Besides, mine is getting a bit frail being cooped up on the patio. You can tell it wants to break out and be free. And Ya's is like a small tree already - so she chose the new location very well.
You can hear me grumble about Kota Tinggi here on this blog, but given a choice (which I have) I would choose living in Kota Tinggi over JB any day. When shop keepers in JB ask me where I live, they are shocked to know that I travel from Kota Tinggi on a daily basis. The distance is only about 30 Km right down to the southern border. But here, local is normal. These guys have subscribed to the fashionable 100 mile diet for decades and I don't see it changing any time soon. Yes, there are conveniences in JB that I cannot find here, but the peace, tranquility, safety, and community I experience here overrides any things I can find in a bigger city. I have made some wonderful friends and have lovely neighbours here that I may be able to find in JB too, but I would be living in a high rise there and a patio garden would not be an option. Watching my elderly neighbour speed walking by each morning would not happen, watching the various new residents who have moved in down the road walking their way to the factory work would not be an option, and watching the neighbourhood children riding their bikes and playing games would also not be an option. It is interesting that a year ago my colleagues kind of felt sorry for me being stuck in the boonies, while they took over leases in high rise condos with pools and gyms. I have none of that, but what I have I would not change - at least not right now. None of them have a neighbour bringing them a veggie burger for breakfast. In fact, they do not know their neighbours. As long as I have patience to drive to downtown on a Saturday after 11am, waiting in the long line of traffic to cross the only bridge, then I fit in. Once a week taking almost an hour to drive a distance of 3 km is not really a hardship. Maybe I exaggerate a bit on the time, but it really is out of proportion to the distance travelled. At least I have a car to drive the trip. Many locals use their feet.
weekend breakfast in Kota Tinggi (minus the sesame seeds)
Expedite means different things to different people
I stayed home all day. Why? Because my car sticker did not arrive. Why? Because it was expedited. Expedited here does not mean 'quickly' or 'speedily'. It means 'soon'. So, I wait. Another message assures me that it should be here tomorrow. I have had a lot of tomorrows this week, so I hunkered down and worked on resources for my mentees, since I was going to be here anyway. It was good. No one disturbing me, I managed to actually set up a little website that contains many resources I have made for the mentees to use in their classrooms. It was kind of fun. What the heck, me setting up a website on my own is a coup on it own. Tonight as I channel surf and find nothing worth watching on the tube I am entertained by one of Gordie's new offsprings hanging around one of my batiks paintings. He is so tiny that I was not even sure he was a gecko. Thought at first that it was a long skinny fly. He hides behind the painting and peeks out when he thinks the coast is clear. All I have to do is clap my hands when he pokes his nose around the painting and he darts back behind. I am not sure who is having more fun with this little game - him or me. It is kind of like that K-Tel clapper that was advertised on TV - clap once and turn on a lamp, clap twice to turn it off. Just goes to show you that TV is not a necessity when you live in the tropics and have geckos in your home. Probably not an activity that would attract young perspective mentors to the job I am doing though. Especially touted as a Friday night entertainment.
I kinda fell off the healthy food wagon too. For some reason ice cream was calling me yesterday on my way home from work. So I responded to the call by picking up a little carton of Wall's chocolate truffle. Feeling guilty, I brought it home and put it in the freezer. I overcame the guilt and managed to down the carton for dinner tonight. Probably not the best choice for a meal, but it tasted good.
During the day I turned on the TV to keep me company while I worked. Ellen with her pre Christmas show, Don't Forget the Lyrics, Martha Stewart making Thanksgiving Dinner, and some daily show called India, a Love Story. So it looks like I am caught up on TV viewing and can carry on a conversation with others when 'what to watch on the tube' is a topic. Also picked up a tidbit on why some people get mosquito bites and others do not. This topic is obsessive in this climate and medical communities all work toward the fix for bites and diseases they cause here. The tidbit indicated that 1,000,000 people die from malaria here each year. Jennifer, don't pay attention to that statistic. We won't 'do' malaria; we will stay home at night. They also noted that genes are the factor for getting bitten. So, why is it that the two people in my family who were always plagued by swollen mosquito bites in the summer at home decide to move to this part of the world?
As I was typing I watched little Gilbert sidle over to my family photo gallery on the wall. He is taking a close look at the picture of Levi the super hero. Probably wants a cape and cap just like the one he sees. I think I will go now and shake him up. Maybe tomorrow I will have something more interesting to write. And maybe tomorrow I will be sprung from the property and given my independence once again to burn up the roads and byways with my little buggy complete with a sticker.
I kinda fell off the healthy food wagon too. For some reason ice cream was calling me yesterday on my way home from work. So I responded to the call by picking up a little carton of Wall's chocolate truffle. Feeling guilty, I brought it home and put it in the freezer. I overcame the guilt and managed to down the carton for dinner tonight. Probably not the best choice for a meal, but it tasted good.
During the day I turned on the TV to keep me company while I worked. Ellen with her pre Christmas show, Don't Forget the Lyrics, Martha Stewart making Thanksgiving Dinner, and some daily show called India, a Love Story. So it looks like I am caught up on TV viewing and can carry on a conversation with others when 'what to watch on the tube' is a topic. Also picked up a tidbit on why some people get mosquito bites and others do not. This topic is obsessive in this climate and medical communities all work toward the fix for bites and diseases they cause here. The tidbit indicated that 1,000,000 people die from malaria here each year. Jennifer, don't pay attention to that statistic. We won't 'do' malaria; we will stay home at night. They also noted that genes are the factor for getting bitten. So, why is it that the two people in my family who were always plagued by swollen mosquito bites in the summer at home decide to move to this part of the world?
As I was typing I watched little Gilbert sidle over to my family photo gallery on the wall. He is taking a close look at the picture of Levi the super hero. Probably wants a cape and cap just like the one he sees. I think I will go now and shake him up. Maybe tomorrow I will have something more interesting to write. And maybe tomorrow I will be sprung from the property and given my independence once again to burn up the roads and byways with my little buggy complete with a sticker.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
can't go to work today
Here in Malaysia there is some sticker system for the cars that denote we have paid a road tax. Our leased cars have a central office that gets these stickers for us, but somehow they have managed to miss that step. Now, with an expired road tax sticker I have been advised that I must not drive the car until the new sticker is on the car. I have talked with the central office on a few occasions this week and each time they advised me that the sticker is being couriered to me. To date, nothing has arrived. When I called last night again, advising I must be at work this morning in JB, they assured me that a sticker will be in my hands this morning. Nothing yet.
So, I sit and wait at home, for the elusive sticker. I passed a police check yesterday on my way to work, and wondered where I would be if waved over because of the sticker issue that would be an 'issue' today. I do not want to find out. Perhaps no insurance in a foreign country and a collision is more than I could cope with. When I explained this to the boss, he said, just go anyway and if pulled over, explain that the sticker is on the way. Don't think I will do that. Explaining to my boss that I chose to obey the 'no go' option today feels a lot easier than the latter.
Looks like a good day to do some laundry. Sun is shining, breeze is blowing, and if I am lucky, I will actually get some internet to upload this post and maybe contact my mentees. My colleague next door is ignoring the issue - driving off with an expired sticker.
So, I sit and wait at home, for the elusive sticker. I passed a police check yesterday on my way to work, and wondered where I would be if waved over because of the sticker issue that would be an 'issue' today. I do not want to find out. Perhaps no insurance in a foreign country and a collision is more than I could cope with. When I explained this to the boss, he said, just go anyway and if pulled over, explain that the sticker is on the way. Don't think I will do that. Explaining to my boss that I chose to obey the 'no go' option today feels a lot easier than the latter.
Looks like a good day to do some laundry. Sun is shining, breeze is blowing, and if I am lucky, I will actually get some internet to upload this post and maybe contact my mentees. My colleague next door is ignoring the issue - driving off with an expired sticker.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
request for survey
I just received a request to complete a survey from my recent flight experience. I guess they do not screen those requests too closely or are extremely confident that I was a happy flyer. When your board that airline their stewardesses make sure you know that they were voted the Number One airline. I am not sure what exactly they are Number One of; that part is not disclosed. Perhaps my response will alter their standing.
I just watched the Singapore News. Seems that there has been a review of the political leader's salary there. The recommendation is to cut the Prime Minister's salary by 36 percent and the President's salary cut by 51 percent. The Speaker of the House salary recommended cut is for 53 percent, bringing it down to $550,000.00. Pretty deep cuts huh? However, not exactly shabby salaries even with the cuts. Maybe I am in the wrong profession. I wonder if there are any jobs over there within that range for an ex pat?
Now time to don the duds and hit the trails to another school. I'll do the survey when I return to my nest.
I just watched the Singapore News. Seems that there has been a review of the political leader's salary there. The recommendation is to cut the Prime Minister's salary by 36 percent and the President's salary cut by 51 percent. The Speaker of the House salary recommended cut is for 53 percent, bringing it down to $550,000.00. Pretty deep cuts huh? However, not exactly shabby salaries even with the cuts. Maybe I am in the wrong profession. I wonder if there are any jobs over there within that range for an ex pat?
Now time to don the duds and hit the trails to another school. I'll do the survey when I return to my nest.
I shoulda brought my camera
As usual I should have taken the camera. I could not believe how many parents were at the school this morning sending their first born off to school for the first day. The trauma was greater for the parents than for the kids. Not very different than at home. There were so many cars and people milling about it took me forever to get to the Head Mistress office. I am sure many parents thought they had chosen the wrong school - thinking that this was now an international school, with me there in the midst. I was not here for the first day of school last year, so did not know what to expect.
I have three new mentees join me this year and one leave at my base school. We held a group meeting and defined what they want in the professional developments this year. Also beaming like kids in a candy store when the saw the phonic books I brought back with me. Even moreso when I told them that more than 50 books will be arriving in the mail soon. (Jeepers I hope it is soon)
Now all I have to do is a repeat of today for the other four schools and then down to work after that. Looking forward to the task. And, yes I will take my camera tomorrow - but then it will not be the first day will it?
I have three new mentees join me this year and one leave at my base school. We held a group meeting and defined what they want in the professional developments this year. Also beaming like kids in a candy store when the saw the phonic books I brought back with me. Even moreso when I told them that more than 50 books will be arriving in the mail soon. (Jeepers I hope it is soon)
Now all I have to do is a repeat of today for the other four schools and then down to work after that. Looking forward to the task. And, yes I will take my camera tomorrow - but then it will not be the first day will it?
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
off to work tomorrow
Guess this is a sign of age. I did not go out to get a new outfit for school. Many of the colleagues dashed out to get new duds. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine, so I guess the time is right.
sure hope I don't have to deal with this kind of driving tomorrow
Monday, January 2, 2012
Short but SWEET Skype
Internet is seriously compromised today in Malaysia. At least where I am it is. My own source will not load a page, and the wifi I go to keeps timing out and shutting down.
Guess this is a day where face to face is all I will have. Maybe this is because I need to go back home and clean my abode and prepare for work tomorrow. I am looking forward to work and catching up with everyone there.
As for the Skype, I was lucky enough to have a few words from the new biker and a big grin from the tooth sprouter. Their mother was the conduit for this joy. Thanks Jenn
Now sated with Roti Pisang with dahl and a visit with some of the people I love, I will travel back to the house and begin the cleaning.
Guess this is a day where face to face is all I will have. Maybe this is because I need to go back home and clean my abode and prepare for work tomorrow. I am looking forward to work and catching up with everyone there.
As for the Skype, I was lucky enough to have a few words from the new biker and a big grin from the tooth sprouter. Their mother was the conduit for this joy. Thanks Jenn
Now sated with Roti Pisang with dahl and a visit with some of the people I love, I will travel back to the house and begin the cleaning.
I stand corrected
Just got a message that I must post here and eat crow. I will only do so concerning the taxi fare though.
Here it is:
Singapore (as in other countries in the world) cabs have a surcharge
after a certain time (usually after midnight) and then the rate per/km
is also higher. It is expensive. They were not after "the tourist" in
this instance.
I accept this, not happily, but accept it just the same.
Here it is:
Singapore (as in other countries in the world) cabs have a surcharge
after a certain time (usually after midnight) and then the rate per/km
is also higher. It is expensive. They were not after "the tourist" in
this instance.
I accept this, not happily, but accept it just the same.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
I am winning the battle with the 'cold'
Feeling much better than the past few days, so willing to venture out to forage for food. I am meeting a friend in JB who wants to take me to some different places she has found, so maybe I will actually locate some North American sustenance for the belly on this trip. If not, that is OK, I need to drop a few pounds anyway. I really need to find a decent coffee vendor. After the interlude of Canada coffee it is difficult to get back into thinking the stuff here is good. Odd, isn't it that Canada does not produce coffee, yet they provide a superior product to the place that actually grows the stuff. Being amid a nation of tea and cordial drinkers might be the reason. I stopped in at Rosmerah for my frozen drink yesterday and asked where Faizal was. Seems he too took advantage of the holiday season and headed home to his roots in India. That leaves only one other who I can converse with until his return. But the other guys and myself are pretty good at miming our words, so we should be able to manage during his absence. It was nice to see their broad grins when they saw I was back.
A friend from Canada called me for technical support for some new phone purchase. Those of you who know my technical ability are likely having a good laugh. I wonder how they feel now, knowing they know less than myself in regard to using and setting up cell phone applications. For some reason my Blackberry address book looks like a dog's breakfast. I cannot figure out how it messed up like it did, and have not had the energy to fix it so far. Also discovered that the Blackberry messenger over here is not a freebie like it is at home. I was delighted to be able to message with Jenn daily but looks like I have to pay for a plan for this function here. That means using the 'old fashioned' method of communication with her - Skype and e-mail!
A friend from Canada called me for technical support for some new phone purchase. Those of you who know my technical ability are likely having a good laugh. I wonder how they feel now, knowing they know less than myself in regard to using and setting up cell phone applications. For some reason my Blackberry address book looks like a dog's breakfast. I cannot figure out how it messed up like it did, and have not had the energy to fix it so far. Also discovered that the Blackberry messenger over here is not a freebie like it is at home. I was delighted to be able to message with Jenn daily but looks like I have to pay for a plan for this function here. That means using the 'old fashioned' method of communication with her - Skype and e-mail!
Why do some people scam foreigners?
I have been ruminating over the taxi ride from Changi airport to Changi Village Resort. This was the hotel I found to catch some zzz'z after the wicked flights back this way. I really must learn how to let go of this sort of thing, but for now, I mutter and plot a revenge that will never happen. A friend had taken a cab from Changi airport to our downtown international taxi stand a few weeks ago and told me that the cost of the trip was SD18. I took a cab (because in the middle of the night the shuttles do not run) to the Changi Village Resort from the airport and it cost me SD30. I was in no shape to argue with the driver, but I knew then that he hoodwinked me that night. The scammer needed to drive half the distance that my friend was driven on her downtown trip. I know this because I had a fair idea of where the resort was and now just checked it on google maps. Yes, half the distance should be half the fare. I kinda felt like he was driving past a few places a couple of times, but at 4:30 in the morning I was only interested in ending the journey and trusted that he was driving directly to the destination and that my mind was playing games with me.
You can be sure that if I do this again, I will make it clear that I know the distance and route we are taking. It makes me sad that I have been scammed so many times just because I have blue eyes and all that goes with that. It is almost like joining a sorority here; once you pass the initiation, the costs change, the rates go down, and you qualify for local 'deals', or shall I say, fair fares. A price should be a price for all. Anyone who lives somewhere is no more worthy of a different price than another just because they live there. Just because you live down the street from a bistro, should your entree cost less than mine? I think not. Is a local given inferior cuts of meat to accommodate this price difference? Not likely. Tourists are who drive the economy. Not the locals trying to get more for less. I truly hope that this sort of thing does not happen to foreigners in my own country.
I grow weary of this 'passing the test' before I am an equal. I must add that there are many here who are not like this. They are honest, fair, and helpful in so many ways. I try to leave a tip for my massage therapist and she hangs on to it until I return for the next massage. She insists on returning it to me. I hope the others can learn from her and many like her.
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