VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Think today is New Year's Day

I have asked everyone when New Year's Eve or New Year's Day is and get the same answer. So, I am not really clear which is today.  However, with the racket last night at midnight that bounced me out of my bed, I think today is New Year's Day.  I have to admit, the fireworks were spectacular last night. It was like July 1st in Canada.  I believe the river runs behind the jungle across from me, and some ambitious locals put on a great show all along the waterway, and high into the sky.  It brings to mind my first night in this house. I was sure we were being attacked, with the racket, fire, and smoke that ensued after I hit my pillow on the floor.

This is the day I have been looking forward to. If the pattern is anything like Hari Raya, then traffic should be non existent anywhere in Malaysia. Everyone is back to their villages, celebrating the arrival of 2012 with family. The streets should be empty.  Also means nothing will be open either, but I just like knowing that it will not take me an hour to get to downtown  if I feel like going there.   I also think that tomorrow will be the same, with shops and services closed as well.  My friend arrives tomorrow, so I better put on my thinking cap and figure out where I will take her to see the culture and highlights of my home for now. Not a lot of time to present this; she is only planning a two day visit. So, I better be good at selecting activities that give her a good overview.

I have to say, although I get to my limit of patience with the drivers on the road at these times here; it is refreshing to see that all these celebrations do not come with hoards of drunken drivers like elsewhere in the western world.  Getting back to family, far across a small country, that has inconsistent, and less than perfect road systems is the biggest challenge they face here. And that frantic need to get to those places is what causes the road congestion and frustration around here.

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